<br />ou ncilman James moved said ordinance be held in committee till the budget is formulated and sub
<br />I
<br />itted to the Council. douncilmen Bierwagen seconded the motion. XXXXXXJCIN3E$KM
<br />ouncilman Hull moved for roll call on Councilman James motion. Hull, Goetz, Kerner, Chamber$,
<br />asmuseen and Palicki voted no on C:aoncilmen Janes.motion. Bierwagen, James and Fish voted yes
<br />n Councilman James motion. .
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title and Councilman Hull moved said Ordtnance
<br />e adopted as amended. Councilman Chs:mbe:rs seconded the motion. Motion carried. Said ordinanc
<br />as placed upon its passage and passed by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner,
<br />Chambers, Rasmussen and Palicki, 7 ayes. James and Fish, 2 nays. Ordinance adopted as amended.
<br />RDI ?ANCE NO. 3166
<br />An Ordinance appropri:attng the- sum of $100.00 from the General Fund--of the City of South
<br />Bend to account numbered S -2 under the Electrical Department for - temporaxy salaries--for the
<br />dance of the year 1936; also the sum of $75.00 from the General Fund of the City of South Bend
<br />to account numbered S -7 for gasolene for said department for the balance of the year 1936-.
<br />The ordinance was given-its third-reading-by title and was placed upon its- passage and pass-
<br />ed by the following-vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwegen, James, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Rasmussen and
<br />Palicki. Ayes 9 Nays 0. Ordinance adopted.
<br />An Ordinance Appropriating the sum of $85.00 from the General Fund of the City of South Bend
<br />to account #11 -6 under the Building Department for office supplies for the balance of the yeer
<br />X36.
<br />J The Ordinance was given its third reading by title and was placed upon its passt3ge and pass -
<br />d by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner, Chambers, Rasmussen end Palicki, 7 eyes
<br />ames end Fish 2 nays. Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 3168 as amended
<br />An Ordinance - eppropriating- the sum of 4300.00 from the General: Fund: of the City of South
<br />end to account- 0 -8 under the-Board of Works for Te7e phone and Telegraph; also appropriating_
<br />he sum- of 0400.00 from ,the Gener €1 Fund of-the City of South-Bend - account H -1-1 under the Boar
<br />f Works for Electric Current for,--the balance of the year 1936; Also appropriating the sum of
<br />100.00 from the General Fund of the City-of-South Bend to-account-#H-15 under the koard - of Works
<br />or the repair of'equipment for the belance of the year 1936.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title,and was placed upon its passage and pass
<br />d by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Rasmussen and Palicki,
<br />ayes. James, 1 nay. Ordinance adopted as amended..
<br />ORDINANCE NO 3169 \
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of $25.00 from the General Fund of the City of South Bend
<br />o account numbered P -17 under the Police Department for laundry and cleaning for the balance of
<br />he year 1936; also appropriating the sum of $500.00 from the General Fund of the City of South
<br />end to account numbered P -17A under the Police Department for medical and surgical services
<br />le,e,,,ry for said department.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title and was placed upon its passage and pass -
<br />d by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Rasmussen and Palicki
<br />eyes. Jemes 1 nay. Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 3170
<br />An Ordinance apppropriating the sum of #1327.55 from the General Fund of the City of South
<br />Bend to the account for Refunds, Awards,,and Indemnities under the controller's office, the samme
<br />being numbered B -11 -A.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title and was placed. upon its passage and pass-
<br />ed by the following voter Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, James, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Rasmussen and.
<br />118licki. 9 ayes 0 nays. Ordinance adopted.
<br />RDINANCE NO. 3171 -
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of #500.00 from the General Fund of the City of South Ben
<br />to the Medical and Surgical Account of the Street Department, which is account No. I - 9 - B.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reeding by title and was placed upon its passage end pass-
<br />ed by the following voter Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, James, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Ressmussen and alicki. 9 ayes O nays. Ordinance edopted.
<br />RDINANCE NO. 3172
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of #25.00 from the General Fund of the City of South Bend
<br />to , - the Office Supplies Account under the Weights and Measures Department which, is account`numbere
<br />The Ordinance wee given its third reading by title and was placed upon its passage and Fass-
<br />d by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagge4 Kerner, Chambers, Rasmussen and palicki. 7 ayes
<br />emes and Fish. 2 nays. Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 3173
<br />An Ordinance appropriating -the sum of $405.00 from the General Fund of the City of South -
<br />- end into various accounts under the Board of- Public Health for the remainder of - the - year 1936.
<br />The Ordinance was given its- third-,reading by title and was placed upon its passage and pass -
<br />d by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, Kerner, Chambers, Rasmussen and Palicki. 7 ay+
<br />James. end Fish. 2 nays. Ordinance adopted.
<br />RDINA NCE NO * 3174
<br />174
<br />An Ordinance a?ppropristing the sum of x$25.00 from the General Fund of the City of South Bend
<br />to the account for postage under the Police Department, which is.account- numbered P 4.
<br />The Ordinance wes given its third , reading by title and, was placed upon its passage- and pass-
<br />ed by the following - vote Hull, Goetz, Bierwegen, Kerner, Chambers, Rasmussen and Palicki. 7 ay+
<br />James and Fish, 2 nays. Ordinance adopted.
<br />RDINANCE NO. 3175
<br />An Ordinance appropriating bbrtain summa from the General Fund -or- operating balance in the De.
<br />artment of Public Parks In the City of South Bend. Indiana, to certain Subdivisions in said DepT
<br />_ent and transferring certain sums from Subdivisions in said Department to other Subdivisions in
<br />he same department, all as hereinafter - -set out.
<br />The ordinance was given its third reading,by title and was'-placed upon its passage and pass-
<br />ed by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierwagen, James, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Rasmus -en and
<br />alicki. 9 ayes. 0 neys. Ordinance adopted.
<br />INANCE No. 3176
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of $400.00 from the General Fund of the City of South Bye
<br />S.
<br />es.
<br />