<br />MINUILES -
<br />JULY 13th, 1936
<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the
<br />Regular Session in -the Council Chembere of the City Hall, Monday evening, July 13th, 1936, at
<br />the hour of 7 :35 P. M. All members were present. President Fish presided. Councilman Hull
<br />moved that the reading of the minutes for the last meeting be dispensed with. Councilman Ras-
<br />mussen seconded the motion. Motion carried..
<br />In the matter determining additibnal appropriations for extra funds for- .temporary sh aries and
<br />gasolene for Electrical Department; for office supplies for Building Department; for telephone,
<br />telegraph, electric current, repair of equipment for Board of Works; for postage, laundry, clean
<br />ing, medical and surgical services for Police Department; for refunds, awards; and: - indemnities
<br />under Controller's Office; for medical and surgical account -for Street Department; for office
<br />-supplies for office of Weights and Measures; for telephone, telegraph, gasolene, office supplies
<br />end heat for Board of Health; for up -keep of grounds, coal, miscellaneous supplies, and golf cou
<br />equipment; also transferring of monies from one account to another account ell under the Park
<br />Board.
<br />South Bend, Indiana.
<br />July 14th, 1936
<br />I, Mary B. L. Taylor, City Clerk of the City of South Bend, .Indiana do hereby certify that a
<br />copy of the attached notice was published -in the South -Bend Tribune and the Mirror, two daily
<br />newspapers, on the 26th day of June, 1936, end the 3rd day of July, 1936, both published in the
<br />City,of South Bend, Indiana., also that I have posted notices in the following places: to -wit:
<br />In the corridor of the City Hall, South Bend, Indiana
<br />In'•the corridor of the Court Hca se, South Bend, Indiana
<br />In the -alley in the rear of the Court House, South Bend, Indiana, all being public plac
<br />in sstd City.
<br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set m`- hand-and affixed the Seal of the City of South Bend,
<br />•Indiana, this 14th day of July, 1936.
<br />Mary B. L. Taylor
<br />(OFFICIAL SEAL) City Clerk
<br />The report was accepted by the Council and ordered to be placed on file. Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred An Ordinance fixing the salaries of cer-
<br />tain City Officials and Employees of the Municipal City of South Bend and repealing all Ordinanc
<br />end parts of Ordinances to conflict therewith.
<br />Respectfully report that they have examined-the matter and that in their opinion should be re-
<br />ported - favorable as amended. Geo. W Goetz;- Chairman.
<br />The report was accepted by the Council and or.dered to be placed on file. Motion carried.
<br />To the .Common Council of. the City of South - Bend
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred An Ordinance-appropriating the sum of $100
<br />from-the Generals Fund of the City of South Bend to account- numbered S -2 under the-Electrical De-
<br />partment for temporary salaries- for the balance of the year 1936; Also the sum of- $75.00 from th
<br />General Fund'of the City of South Bend to account numbered S -7 for gasolene for said department
<br />for the belance of the year 1936.
<br />.Respectfully report that they have examined. the matter and that in their opinion eY: ould be. repor
<br />fQvoreble. Geo. W. Goetz, Ghi�trman:
<br />The report was accepted by the Council and ordered to be placed on file. Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom-was referred en Ordinance appropr sting the sum of $55.q
<br />from the General Fund of the City of South Bend to account #M -6 under.the Building Dept. for
<br />office supplies for the balance of the year 1936
<br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their.opinion should be °'re-
<br />ported favorable. Geo. W. Goetz, Chairmen. .
<br />The report was accepted by the Council and ordered to be placed on file. Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom -was referred an Ord-inence appropriating the sum of.$300
<br />from the General Fund of the City of South Bend to account #H -S. under the Board of Works for Tele
<br />phone a:nd telegraph; also appropriating- the-sum of $400.00 from the Genera-1 Fund of the City of
<br />South Bend to account H -11 under -the- Boa d of Works for- elevtric current-for the balance of the
<br />year.1936; also appropriating the sum of $100.00 from the General Fund of-the City-of South Bend
<br />to epcount #H-.15 under the Board of Works for the repair of equipment for the balance of the yeaz
<br />1936:
<br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and.that in their opinion should be re-
<br />-ported,' amended. Geo. W. Goetz, Chairman.
<br />The report was accepted by the Council and ordered to be placed on file. Motidn carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of -South Bend
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred an Ordinance'appropriat ng the sum of $25.9
<br />from the General Fund of the City of South Bend ' to account numbered-P-17 under-the Police- Departme
<br />for laundry and cleaning for the belence. -of the year 1936; also appropriating the sum -of $500.-
<br />from ihe General Fund of the Oity of South Bend to account numbered P -17A under the Police Depart-
<br />ment for medical and surgical necessary for said department.
<br />Respectfully report that they have - examined -the matter and that in their opinion should be-re-
<br />ported favorable. Geo. W. Goetz, Chairman.
<br />The report was accepted by the Council and ordered to be placed on file. Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend;
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred an Ordinance appropriating the sum of
<br />$1327.55 from the General Fund of the City of South Bend to the Account for refunds, awards, and
<br />.indemnities under the Controllers Office, the same being numbered B -11 -A.
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