<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the C.tv of South Bead, Indien^, met in the
<br />Regular Session in the Council Chambers of the City Rail, 'Fonday evening April 27th, 1936 at
<br />the hour of 7:35 P. M., All members were present.exeept.Councilman Fish. Vice President dames
<br />presided. Councilmen Goetz moved that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dis-
<br />pensed with. Councilmen mull seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />In the matter determine:ng additioral appropriations for extra funds for the purpose of
<br />pPying for telephone, oil, office and general supplies for the Board of Aviation Commissioners.
<br />And for the payment of the Citlyls sponsor share in the proposed W.P.A. traffic survey.
<br />South Bend, Indiana,
<br />April 29th, 1936
<br />I, Mary B. L. Taylor, City Clerk of the City of South Bend, Indiana., do hereby certify that a
<br />copy of the attached notice was published in the South Bend Tribune end the Mirror, two Daily
<br />Newspapers, on the 17th and 24th of April, 1936, both published in the City of South Bend, India
<br />also that I have posted notices in the following places_: to -wit:
<br />In the Corridor of the City Hall, South Bend, Indie.na,
<br />In the Corridor of the Court House, South Bend, Indiana,
<br />-In the alley in the rear of the Court House, South Bend, Indiana, all being Public Places
<br />in said-City.
<br />In Witness Whereof, I-have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the':City of South Bend,
<br />Indiana, this 29th day of April, A.D. 1936.
<br />(Official Seal) - Mary B. L. Taylor
<br />The
<br />THE WHOLE.1 and ordered to be placed on file. Motion carried. !,
<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the
<br />Council Chambers of the City Hall, Monday evening April 20th, 1936 at 7:40 P.M. for Committee
<br />of the Wholeof -the Whole meeting. All member were present. Chairman Goetz presided.
<br />Ordinance A 5
<br />nOrd Ordinance amending section 22 of an Ordinance Numbered 2652, being an$ Ordinance regulat.
<br />ing the production, grading, labeling, handling, pasteuriza.tion,- distribution end sale of milk,
<br />cream-and certain milk products and providing for °issuing licenses therefor.
<br />- Councilman' Hull moved that said ordi-nance-be referred to the Public Improvement Committee
<br />and referred -back to the Council. Councilman Chambers seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Ordinance No. 3155
<br />An Ordinance - appropriating the sum of Three Hundred end-Sixty Dollars from the General Fund
<br />of the City of South Bend to the Boerd'of Public Safety Account No. P -2, for the payment of the
<br />City's -spons-or share in the W.P.A. traffic survey for the City of South Bend.
<br />Co-,.).ncilman Hull moved that said ordinance be held in committee until April 27th, 1D36.
<br />Counncilman Fish seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />WHEREAS, it is the belief of this Council thet the establishment of a merit system of civil
<br />service for the . appointment , � °•advancement and- retirement of all employees, below the rank of chief
<br />of the Police and Fire Departments in this city would greatly improve the morale and;`increr.se
<br />the efficiency of such Departments by removing the same from the sphere of partisan p ^litics,
<br />and influence end
<br />WHEREAS, it is the belief of this Council that the same result would follow the establishment
<br />of such a civil service system for other municipal employees, and
<br />WHEREAS, this Council-desires to record itself a:s favoring the establishment of such a civil
<br />service system, first, for the Police and Fire Departments, and eventually for other Departments
<br />of the City Government, and
<br />WHEREAS, this Council desires to set in motion the machinery necessary to make the esteblisi
<br />ment of such a civil service sj'stem'possible.
<br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Common Council now records its belief that an adequate
<br />merit system of civil service for the appointment; advancement and retirement of all employees
<br />below the rank of chief of.-the Police end Fire Departments of this city should be established
<br />es soon as may be done consistently with the,lews of this state, and to that end, there is now
<br />and hereby- - created P special committee of this Council, consist ng of three members to be khown
<br />as the Civil - Service Committee. Such Committee shall be appointed b- the President of the Counci
<br />and not more than two members thereof shall be of the same political faith. It shall be the dut3
<br />of such Committee -to thorougrly investigate the matter, confer with interested persons and to
<br />prepare a Bill for preser.:tation to the next /regular session of the Indiana State Legislature,
<br />providing for or permitting the esteblishment of a merit system of civil service for the appoint-
<br />ment, advancement and retirement of all employees, below the rank of chief, of the Police end
<br />Fire Departments in cities of the second class rind providing or permitting that such civil ser-
<br />vice system may be extended to apply to employees of such other Depertments of the city goverr_-
<br />mentas the Common Council of each city shall from time to time determine. It shall further be
<br />the duty of such Committee to correspond with. the Common Councils or Committees thereof of the
<br />several cities of the second class In the state of Indiana, and to endeavor to procure their
<br />cooperation in the preparation and psesa.ge of such legislation.
<br />Said Committee shall select its own chairman and shall within one month from the date of the
<br />adoption of this resolution and at least monthly thereafter, report to this Council its doings
<br />under this resolution.
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each second class city in the state of Indiana: is hereby invitee
<br />and earnestly solicited to cooperate with the Common Council of this City in the adoption of the
<br />civil service plan suggested by this resolution end to that end the'Common Co-jneil of each such
<br />city is invited to aprsoint a similar Committee to meet with end cooperate with the Committee of
<br />this Council in formulating the proposed. Bill and procuring its introduction in and passage by
<br />the Slate Legislature.
<br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution duly certified by the City Clerk be
<br />sent to the Common Council of each second class city.in Indiana.
<br />epproved favarable. Councilman James
<br />Councilman Hull moved thet said resolution be ��, /\Oouncilman Rasmussen seconded the motior. ,
<br />Motion carried.
<br />I move that the City Attorney be hereby instructed to prepare resolution memoralizing the Indians
<br />State Legislature convening in January 1937, to repeal the Act convening the Board of Works and
<br />Board of Safety as it affects the City of South Bend and to re- enact the Statute creating sepand
<br />Board of Works and separate Boars of Safety composed of three members each, €covering cities the
<br />size of South Bend and /or any other cities of the Second Crass.
<br />Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be mailed to mch city of the Second Class
<br />snd e request be made for their cooperation in securing the desired change in the Board of Works
<br />end Board of Safety.
<br />Id'
<br />H. L. Chambers - Member of the
<br />Motion carried. - unanimously. Common Council - South Bend., Ind.
<br />la.
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