February 10th, 1036 REGULAR MEETING
<br />- MINUTES
<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the
<br />Regular Session in the Council Chambers of the City Hell, Monday evening February 10th, 1936,
<br />at the hour of 7:36 P. M. All members were present. President Fish presided. Councilman James
<br />moved that the rending the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with. Councilman Bierwag_
<br />seconded the motion.
<br />South Bend Local Union No. 364
<br />103 "lest LaSalle Avenue
<br />Member, City Council,
<br />City Hall,
<br />Sb. Bend, Ind.
<br />Dear Sirs:
<br />Feb. 3, 1936
<br />There is a proposed city ordinance at your disposal providing for licensing barbers and
<br />inspection of barber shops in the city.
<br />Due to the unsanitary condition of some of the shops in the city, the Chauffeurs and Team-
<br />sters Local Union #364, composed of over 300 men, hereby urge you to pass this Ordnance.
<br />city.
<br />We believe it will help to overcome some of the bad conditions in some of the shops in the
<br />Sincerely yours;
<br />Chauffeurs and Teamsters Local #364.
<br />Lloyd B. Hayes
<br />Rec. Seely
<br />811 N. Blaine Ave.
<br />City
<br />(Councilmen James moved that it be referred to the committee considering the Barber Ordinance.
<br />February 7, 1936
<br />To the Common Council
<br />City of South Bend, Ind.
<br />IGentlemen:
<br />-The petition of Thereg.se Gurdon, et al. for change of Zoning Classific?tion of property on
<br />the north side of Indiana. Ave. between.Franklin Street end Taylor St. was considered by the
<br />City Plan Commission et their regular meeting_ Feb. 6th', and the change petitioned for is not
<br />recommended.
<br />Yours truly,
<br />D. Mcomaw
<br />Secretary
<br />Councilman Rasmussen moved that it be placed on file. Councilman Bierwsgen seconded the motion.
<br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, February 3rd2 1936 end adjourned meeting of February 10, -19
<br />,To the Common Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />Your Committee on Ordinancesto whom was referred the Contractors Ordinance, the Electric
<br />Sign Ordinance, And the Electrical Code. Respectfully report that they have examined the matter
<br />and that in their opinion should be held in the Committee of the Whole. Communications from
<br />Samuel B. Pettingill were re2d.and ordered placed on file.
<br />Report of Aviation Commission was read by Clerk and ordered placed on file.
<br />The following committee: Councilmen James, Rasmussen and Chambers, Chember of Commerce -
<br />Firmin and Gintz, Business Men Association - Reeder, Lowenstein, Dr. Snyder, Aldrich, Herrmann,
<br />ifurray, dells, Bullard, Thielens, Bo.^rd of Public Works, City Attorney - Edwin W.. Hunter, C,eptain
<br />Bowers, City Controller - Fred Woodward, end. Mayor ¢ Freyermuth, was Appointed by Councilmen Goet
<br />to meet in the Council. Chambers Wednesday P. M. February 5th to discuss the retort of the Aviatio
<br />Commission and bring in a report of this meeting to the Committee of the Whole, Monday February
<br />10th, at 7:00 P. M. At this meetinw Councilman Chambers, reported, that Mr. Bend.ix was -out of the
<br />City and nothing could be accomplished until his return. Session adjourned subject to call by Ja
<br />Chairman of Committee.
<br />Balance on Hand first of Month - - - - -- ----------------------------------------- - - - - -- 788,o86 97
<br />Balance on January 31st, 1936-------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 1733,458:06
<br />Respectfully Submitted, Fred Woodward, City Controller.
<br />Councilmen Bierwagen moved that the Controllers report be accepted and placed on file. Council-
<br />man Goetz seconded the -motion.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 13 4S
<br />And Ordinance appropriating the sum of $266.72 from the General Fund of the City of South
<br />Bend to account P -13, the Police Department Gasolene Fund for the discharge of an obligation of
<br />the City due the Cities Service Oil Co. of Chicago for Gasolene Furnished the Police Department
<br />for the month of September and October, 1930.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and on Motion
<br />of Councilman Chambers was referred to the Committee of the Whole, also that a Public Hearing be
<br />held February 24th, 1936. Councilman Rasmussen seconded the motion.
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 1� 49
<br />An Ordinance transferring the sum of Five Hundred Dollars from the Fire Department Salary
<br />account numbered Q -I to account H -14A for repairs to the City Hall.
<br />IV
<br />1 e,
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