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12-23-35 Council Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
12-23-35 Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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December 23rd, 1935 <br />RBI I•iUTES <br />REGULAR MEETiNG <br />Be it remembered th -t the Common_ Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the <br />Regular Session in the Council Ch^mber of the Cit✓- Hall, Mond?y evening December 23rd, 1935, at <br />the hour of 7 :30 P. !. All Members vrere present. Presider- Hull presided. Councilmen Goetz <br />roved that the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed rit'_. Councilman James <br />seconded the motion. ?`_otion carried. <br />COITIJUY 1 C A T T. O' Y: <br />STATE BOARD OF TAX CO`, "1ISSI0;E'RS <br />231 State House <br />Indipnepolis, Indiant, <br />.City Clerk <br />South Bend, Indi.pna <br />.Dear Sir: <br />December 20, 1935. <br />Plef se be = advised that a heprinq rill be held in the office of the County Auditor on December <br />2�th, 1935, at 10 :00 A. ? ., re�ardinm ?ddition?:l_ aprro?)ria'-ionG for t?^e Citz% of South Bend, St. <br />Joseph County, Tndi"?. <br />Very truly yours, <br />STATE BOARD OF TAX CO1,WISQION7'PS <br />C. A. Ketcham <br />Secretary <br />The Comimunication eras accepted. by the Council rnd. _ordered to be placed or file. <br />First form.. ^1 public presentation of a Carnegie medal for heroism in S ^uth Bend was made by "Poor <br />George W. Freyermuth in the City Council Chambers 11Ionday night. <br />Lpwrence J. Simpson, aged 25, of 504 E. Dub?il Avenue, reci-pient of the medal, vas person^lly <br />congratulated by the maVor, all city councilmen and about 25 citizens rho Titnessed the ceremony. <br />He rps recognized for saving Jades Lingard, Jr., eight, of 771 Lincoln Way East, from drowning <br />in the St. Joseph river last�ry 30th. <br />ORDIN I',ICE NO. 3140 ? s amended <br />. An Ordin =nce defining construction contractors: providing for the licensing and regulation <br />thereof; fixing the fees for such licenses, the manner of obtaining such licenses_ Pnd revoking <br />the sane, and prescribing penalties for violation. <br />Said, ordin^rce had public hearing. On motion of Councilman Rasmussen it was referred back <br />to the Ordinance Committee for further consideration. Councilman James seconded the motion. <br />RESOLUTION: <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COYI,!ON COUI\?CIL of the City of South Bend., ind .ana, th ^t this body express <br />its sincere approval of the act i_on of the City Attorney in filing the motion to discontinue <br />the proceedings with reference to the nTard by the St. Joseph Circuit Court recently to Mr. Semue <br />Leeper and. th ^t so fares this body is, concerned that 1.1r. Hunter be urged and instructed. to fight <br />said. Pw, -i-d in _every legF�l manner possible. <br />Guy A. Fish <br />?,:`EMBER OF THE COMITON CO??NCIL <br />Councilman Chpmbers moved it be adopted and - olaced on file. Count!.lynan Rasmussen seconded the <br />motion. <br />ORDTYANCE N0. 17_ <br />An�,�ice regulating- tr -ffic upon the public streets of the City of South Bend, ir_•diana, <br />and all other ordin_nces rnd sections of erdi_rances in conflict herewith. <br />The Ordin`nce wrs given its first reeding, by title, Councilman Chambers moved th ^t the secon <br />re. =ding of the o-fdAnar_ce be di sner_sed with aG each co-1nci.1_m ^n had. n cox)v. Councilmen James roved. <br />that said, ordinarce be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Co1.?.nei.lm�-r_ Rasmussen seconded the <br />motion. <br />On motion of Councilman Kerner the Council adjearned Pt 9:15 o'clock P.?. <br />;ATTEST <br />i <br />CL:�'RK <br />
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