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Stanley Klosinski, supervisor <br />(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 355) <br />JOB # 19 <br />Construction of new office in street department yard <br />Tore down old building, laid foundation end floow for new building <br />CITY COST <br />Proportionate cost of labor expense <br />29.09 <br />64 sacks of cement <br />37.95 <br />1 Fxe <br />1.55 <br />4 hammers <br />5.00 <br />3 hammer handles <br />.75 <br />Concrete mixer used 10 ho�irs <br />1.91 <br />2 sacks lime <br />1.�0 <br />1 rake <br />1.22 <br />TOTAL <br />_ <br />78. '57 <br />Councilman Chambers moved that the reading of the report be dispensed with since etch Council- <br />man his--e. copy. Councilmen Rasmussen seconded the,motion. The report was accepted by the Counc <br />end ordered to be olaced on file. <br />REPORT OF THE CITY CONTROLLER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH, BEITD FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1935 <br />Balance on Hand. first of Month - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $6 , r45. 6 <br />Balance onOctober3lst, 1935----------------- - - - - -- -6,.13 <br />Respectfully Submitted, Fred Woodward, City Controller. <br />Councilman -, Chambers moved the-t the reading of the report be dispensed with since each Council- <br />man has a. copy. Uouncilman Rasmussen seconded the Motion. The report was accepted by the Counc <br />and ordered to be placed on file. <br />RL'PORT OF THE CITY CONTROLLER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH :BEND FOR THE MONTH OF NOVDmBER, 1935 <br />Balance onHend. first ofA, Month--------- --- --------------- $6�+�+,�.13 <br />Balance on November 30th, 1935 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $684,722.97 <br />Respectfully Submitted, Fred Woodward, City Controller. <br />Councilman Chambers moved that the reading of the report be dispensed with since each Council- <br />man has a copy. Councilmen Rasmussen seconded the Motion. The report w -s accepted by the Councc <br />end ordered to be placed on file. <br />ORDINANOE NO. 3139 <br />An Ordinance repepling carts of Ordinance Number 2851 and parts of Ordinance Number 2913. <br />The ordinance was given its third reading by title, and wps placed: upon its ness?ge and <br />passed by the following vote: Hull, Goetz, Bierregen, Kerner, Fish, Chambers, Rasmussen and <br />Palicki. Ayes 8 Nays 0. Ordinance ad.onted. <br />ORDI'TANCE NO. 3141 <br />An Ordinance emending Ordinance #2243 ?s ?mended by Ordinance .;'2928, the same being an ordinance <br />regulatin__- Pll- batters concerning or pertaining to the construction, alteration, repair or <br />additions to, remodeling, use or occupecy of buildings or their parts end structures of every <br />nature in the City of South Bend, Indi^na; providing for the condemnation and stoppepe of the <br />use thereof, and the wr (Ecking of the same, cre,,ting the office of building commissioner, ass - <br />istant building commissioner and City Electrician and providing for the office of the 'building <br />Department. Repe? ling all former ordinances,or -oerts thereof conflicting therewith adopted by <br />the Common Council of the City of South Bend, March 27, 1922 and aprroved by the Mayor March 30, <br />1922 and published April 6th of the same year, commonly known as the Building Code of the City <br />of South Bend, Indi, -n=; and adopting the 1935 National Electrical Code end its amendments as a <br />part of this ordinance, excepting such harts of which are less restrictive or in conflict with <br />this ordinance. <br />The ordinance was given its first reeding bv t.itle. Councilman Chambers moved that the <br />second reeding of the ordinance be dispensed with since eadh Councilman has a copy. Col_incilman <br />Goetz moved th?t said ordinance be .referred to the Committee of the Whole and that the Ct'ty <br />Electrician be present at Committee of the Whole Meeting. Councilman Rasmussen seconded the <br />motion. <br />ORDI i 'A1: CE ITO 3144 <br />An Ordinance authorizing the BoYrd of Public Works to require the making of private connections <br />with sewer, gas, electric end water mains in advance of permanent imlDrovernents. <br />The ordinance was giver: its first reading by title. Councilman Chembe�•s moved that the <br />second re =ding of the ordinance be dispensed with since each Councilman has a copy. Co,.incilman <br />Goetz moved that said ordinance be referred to the Committee of the Whole. Councilman Chambers <br />seconded the motion. <br />ORDINA YCE NO. 3149 <br />An Ordinance to amend Or.:jinance No. 3058: - said ordinance being an ordinance pertaining to <br />Electric Signs in the City of South Bend, Indi ^n?. <br />The Ordinance was given its first r-eeding'by title, its second. reading in full and. on motiol <br />of Councilman­'Fish said ordinance was referred to the Committee of the Whole, and th ^t the City <br />Electrician be present et Committee of the Whole Meeting. Councilman Rasmussen seconded the <br />motion. <br />On Motion of Councilman Kerner the Council adjourned at x:00 o'clock P. M. <br />ATTEST <br />CLERK <br />�1 <br />Ll <br />