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318 <br />RESOLUTION: <br />,,.A, Resolution authorizing the s ^le of Police Boat Pnd. Equipment b: the Board of Public Safety <br />df;, "South Bend to the highest Pnd Best bidder for cash. <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Common C ^until of the City of South Bend, Indiana <br />That the Board of Safety of the City of South Bend by and tt,rough the proper office be <br />authorized and directed to sell the following personal rroperty to the highest and best bidder <br />for cash: <br />1 - 20 ft. Universal ITotor Company Oshkosh Wisconsin, <br />Inboard 4 Cylincer Rotor, No 0496 Eauipped with 1 <br />pr- servers. <br />Boat drpwing 1� inches of water. <br />Square stern 4; ft. wide. <br />Pa.ssenger capacity 47 X 72 ft. <br />Launch. <br />set of oars and two sets of lifE <br />and that the sale shall be duly advertised to the public and that the council�find:s that the <br />value of said property is under $100.00, therefore no a -rpraisers need be appointed, <br />That the proceeds of this, received as n result of said sple be duly presented to the controll <br />office and City Treasurer for credit of the General F-.Ind. of the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />Hove ^rd L. Ghrmbers <br />ME,11BER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />Councilman Goetz moved that the Resolution be adopted. Moticn carried. <br />Councilman Chambers moved that Council continue in session until after the meeting of the <br />Finance Committee. Councilm ,-n Fish seconded.the moti ^n. Finance Committee continued in session <br />,�ondzy August 12th, 1935, <br />Wednesday August 14th, 1935, Thnrsd.ay August 15th, 1935, Friday August <br />16th, 1935, ?nd Vond?y August 19th, 1935. Finance Committee adjourned.Zondav August 19th, 1935, <br />at 7:5O P. M. <br />Council called to order Monday August 19th, 1935, at 7:51 P- If- <br />RE ^_SOLUTION. INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN HOWARD L. CHAMBERS. <br />RESOLUTION <br />OF THE COr OT< COUNCIL OF THE CI7 -Y OF SOUTH BEYD, I:: DIAr'A ADOPTING THE BUDGET <br />ORDI ", CE AND THE LEVY ORDI�?�?��CE AS INTRODUCED 0' <br />? AUGUST 5, 1935 AS THE <br />ORDINAlICES OF THE BOARD OF FINA1,TCE OF THE COMI -ION C C =1rCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUITH <br />BE D, I-, DIAT7A WITTi THE A= D!PE - -TS AS F'OR' *ULAC'ED B" T E BOPRD OF KIT.ATTCE OF TTE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BE`' "D, I =TDIAT A . <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Citv of South Bend, Indiana in ^djourned session <br />from August 12, 1935 Pnd having considered. the report of the Board of Finance of t'-.e Common <br />Council on the Budget Ord;.nance and the Levy Or ^finance as introduced August 5, 1Q75 and also <br />receivnomh�e B --d Levy Ordinances -s rnproved by said Board of Finar_ce declare said Ord. - <br />inrr:ces� ?ion ea z the Board of Finance of tY:e City Cott -Pcil of the Citv of South Bend, India <br />this 19t' :-, d?v, of Au --ust 1935 for t ^.e purpose of further consideret ion of this Council. <br />Howard L. Chambers <br />,,`77TBff OF THE COIKMON COUNCIL <br />Councilirpn Chambers moved that the Resolution be adopted. Ccuncilman Biervnaen seconded the <br />motion. 'gotion carried, <br />Resolution was pasted by th.e following voter Hul_, Goetz,_Kerner, Rasmussen, and. ChFTbeTs votin€ <br />aye, Bierwrgen; Fish, James, and Pali,cki voting nay. Ayes 5, Tdays 4. Resolution adopted. <br />On Motion of Councilman Chambers the Council -'.a djourned -t 7: 57,b! clock P. M. , August l9t " 1935. <br />Motion carried. <br />ATTEST. <br />CLERK <br />APPROVED <br />IDE�'T <br />Is <br />• <br />Ll <br />