ril 22nd. 1935. REGULAR MEETING
<br />MINUTES.
<br />Be it Remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the
<br />Regular Session in the Council Chambers of the City Hell, Mondry evening April 22nd, 1935, at
<br />the hour of 7:50 o'clock P. Y. All Members present. President Hull ?resided. The Minutes
<br />of the previous meeting_ was read ?nd on Motion of Councilman Hull, was accepted es read.
<br />Motion carried.
<br />C01,9.1UN10ATION:
<br />Brench 330 South fiend., Indiana
<br />April 16, 1935
<br />To the Members of the City Council,
<br />City of South Bend,
<br />South Bend, Indiana.
<br />Gentlemen:
<br />At a special meeting of Branch 330 Nationel Letter Carriers Association the following re-
<br />solution wcs pest;
<br />Where as; It is necessary for the Carriers to report at 5:30 or 6 o'clock Central Stand-
<br />ard Time, or one hour eerl-ier Daylight Saving Time. This deprives them of much needed rest
<br />during the he ^t of the- summer months.
<br />Therefore; Be it resolved that Brench 330 National Letter Carriers Association favors a con -
<br />tinuence of Central Standard Time in place of Daylight Saving Time.
<br />We earnestly desire your careful consideration of this matter and hope that you will do all
<br />in vour power -to keep the City of South Bend, 5n Central Standard Time during the summer months.
<br />We believe that the largest majority of the people of the City of South Bend do not f?vor day-
<br />light Saving Time. If you will recall several jVears past at one.of the city elections, a
<br />plebiscite was t2ken on this metter. Daylight Saving Time was voted down by the large majority
<br />of three or four to one.
<br />Therefore, we believe that your cannot conscientiously bring into effect a plan which does
<br />not have the support of the largest majority of the people of our city.
<br />We thank you for your kind consideretion in this matter.
<br />With best wishes and regerds, I remain.
<br />Sincerely yours,
<br />W. H. Claxton
<br />Secretery
<br />On Motion of Councilman Chambers the Communication was accepted and ordered to be placed on
<br />file. Motion carried.
<br />919 E. Fox St.,
<br />South Bend, Ind.,
<br />April 122 1935.
<br />City Council,
<br />South Bend, Ihdiane..
<br />Gentlemen:—
<br />As individuals, serving as members of the city Council, your personal vote will be required
<br />on the much talked about end. discussed Daylight Savings ordinance for the City of South Bend,
<br />Whether or not you will be. guided by personal opinion only, or through the influence of the
<br />minority who seem to 2ssurne the whip because of authority in their respective business fields,
<br />your decision should be rendered ?ccording to the majority of people who placed you in the
<br />position of trust which your council duties require.
<br />Daylight savings time is just another one of those artificial moves sponsored under our
<br />present systems of economics, end which has proved to be valueless.. It is very amusing to
<br />read in our.pepers statements mode by certain individuals xkix.k with positions of trust claiming
<br />inconvenience, turmoil, end whatnot should our city fail to follow in the footsteps of other
<br />localities.
<br />It. is natural for humans to experiment and tinker with the mechanicalthnge, Which in this
<br />case happens to be watches and clocks who simply serve us to schedule our business and social
<br />engagements. The world is now so full of experts, executives, technicians, etc., that it seems
<br />very strange they do not attempt to speed up or slow up the revolutions of this world to adjust
<br />the periods of light and darkness, or day and night, to conform to the present setup of the
<br />watches and clocks that tick off.the seconds, minutes and hours of time.
<br />The physical conditon of children, men and women depends on certain regularit?_es. Good rest
<br />is one of these requisites, and requires some regularity which becorres possible through habit.
<br />%he change of such.a habit by a short period of only sixty minutes or one hour means a lot. To
<br />the wife and mother, this one hour earlier rising disrupts the much needed rest, and finally whet
<br />the day is finished hes increased the length of her day by one hour, because the time of retire=
<br />ment is delayed due to daylight extending by advance clock timing to nine o'clock and even later
<br />in the midsummer. To the laborer this moring hour rest is very beneficial and. an asset to his
<br />employer in his daily activities. To the executive this hour should likewise be beneficial.
<br />Plenty of time is left in our day for.recreation because under the NIRA most places of industry
<br />close from one —half to e whole hour earlier than they formerly did_. Most 'm-portent of ell it
<br />our children, and they surely are entitled to the fullest of consideration, regardless of how
<br />we older people and parents feel 2bout this daylight savings proposition for a metter of five
<br />months or so.
<br />The claims of individuals that our f2ilure to follow step by advancing our clocks and
<br />watches will cause business upheavel, evidently are not familiar 'with the geogrexphical timing
<br />of our broad United States. We Pre taught from childhood that the United States is divided in-foi
<br />timing zones differing 2s much ?s thr =e hours. We know, this and govern our regular business
<br />activi. ties accordingly, so *hy should it be any more difficult to stay on our present time and
<br />Ir
<br />