-Aq 2
<br />MINUTES.
<br />ar Meeti
<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Irdia.na, met in the
<br />Council Chambers in the City Hall, on February 11th, 1935 at the hour of 7 :45 o'clock P. M.
<br />for their Regular Session. All Members present except Councilm =n James. President Hull li
<br />presided. The Minutes of the two previous meetings were read and on Motion of Councilman Goetzi'
<br />were accepted as read Motion carried. !!
<br />Ignatius K. Werwinski
<br />U.S. Commissioner of Deeds for Indiena
<br />South Bend, Indiana
<br />February 9th, 1935•
<br />To the Honorable Members of the Common Council.
<br />South Bend, Indiana.
<br />Hmnorable Sirs: —
<br />Enclosed find resolution self eaplenitory for your kind_ consideration and action.
<br />The resolution is to memoria],.iae by your Common Ccuncil, for the Congress of the United States,
<br />to approve GENERAL PULASKI'S VDIORIAL DAY RESOLUTION, now pending in U.S. Congress.
<br />Very truly yours,
<br />I. K. Werwinski,
<br />The Communication was accepted and ordered to be placed on file. Motion carried.
<br />Motion made by Councilmen Chambers , seconded�by Councilman Fish, to table Ordinance
<br />No. 3094 , on the ground that said ordinance was invalid by reason of failure to give notice
<br />to tax payers __end also failure to have public hearing. �,Iotion carried.
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of twenty —one thousand two hundred thirty —four and 71/1(
<br />($21,234.71) Dollars from the General Fund of the City of South Bend, Indiana to the following
<br />Departments: The Street Department, The Board of Public Works, The CeOetery Department, The
<br />Sewer Department, The Building.Department, The Police Department, The Electric Department, The.
<br />Fire Department and Dog Pound.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full end. on
<br />Motion of Councilman Goetz was referred to the Committee,of the Whole, also that a Public Hear-
<br />ing 'be held February 25th, 1935 at 7 :30 P. M. Motion carried.
<br />_Resolution memorializing the Congress of the United States to pass, end
<br />The President of the United States to approve, if pessed the General
<br />Pulaski's Memorial Day Resolution now, pending in Congress.
<br />WHEREAS, a resolution providing for the President of the United States of America, to proclaim
<br />October 11th of each year Ps "General Pulaski's Memorial Day" for the observance end
<br />Commemoration of the death of Brigadier Ge.aersl Casimir Pulaski is now pending in the
<br />present session 6f .the United States Congress; and
<br />WHEREAS, the.11th day of October, 1779 is the datein American history of the heroic death of
<br />Brigadier General Casimir Pulaski, who died from wouhds received on October 9th, 1779,
<br />wt the siege of Savannah, Georgia; and
<br />WHEREAS; the States of Arkansas, California, Connecticut, pelaware, Illinois, Indiana,'K_entucky,
<br />Louisiana, Marylend, Massachusetts, Michigan, IIninnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Yew
<br />Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee,
<br />Texas, ?Rest Virginia., Wisconsin, and other States-of the Union, through legislative
<br />enactment designated October llth of each year as "General Pulaski's Memorial Day "; a-nc
<br />WHEREAS, it is fitting that the recurring e nniverseFy of this day be commemorated with suitable
<br />patriotic and public exercises in observing and commemorating the heroic death of this
<br />great American Hero of the Revolutionary War; and
<br />WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States of America has by legislative enactment designated
<br />October 11, 1929; October 11, 1931; October 11, 1932; and October 11, 1934, to be
<br />GENERAL PULASKI'S ME11ORIAL DAY in United States of America: Now, therefore be it
<br />SECTION 1. That we hereby memorialize and petition the Congress of the United States to past
<br />and the President of the United States to approve, if passed, the GENERAL PULASKI'S
<br />MEMMMORIAL DAY RESOLUTION now pending in the United States Congress.
<br />SECTION 2. That certified copies of this resolution, properly authenticated, be sent for-
<br />thwith to the President of the United States, the Vice — President of the United States,
<br />the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, and each of the
<br />United States Senators and Representatives from Indiana.
<br />On Motion of Councilman Bierwagen the Resolution was adopted. Motion carried.
<br />On Motion of Councilman Kerner the Council adjourned at 8:20 b!c2ock P. M. Motion carried.
<br />ATTEST
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