November 13th, ,1933. REGULAR MEETINGS,
<br />MINUTES.
<br />Be it Remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the
<br />Regular Session in the Council Chambers of the Oity_Hallt Monday evening, November 13th, 1933
<br />at the hour of 7,*45 o'clock P. Me All Members present except Councilman Nelson. VIW-President
<br />Grzeskowiak presided.•The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and on Motion of Councilma
<br />Hull were accepted as read* Moti6n carried.
<br />REPORT Or CITY PLAN COMMISSION. South Bendt.Indo November 3, 1933•
<br />-To the Common Council City.of,South.Bendo. ............. : .............. .
<br />Gentlemen: The Ordinance for change of Zoning classification of a portion of Lots f34.35 ane
<br />nd at e
<br />---,36 Of the Original Plat of Lowell now a part of the City of South.Be. y plan . and located Commissithe No W
<br />on at their
<br />cb-rner n=x of E. LaSalle Ave. and Niles Ave. was considered by the Cit Respectfully, Do
<br />regular meeting Novo 2, 1933, and this change is not recommended by them-
<br />Moomaws-Sect. The report was accepted by the Council and ordered to be placed on file. Motion
<br />...................
<br />carried.
<br />in the Matter of An Ordinance Transferring the sum of ($200.00) from one Sub —division
<br />to another Sub—division in the Department of public Safety* -
<br />I South Bendt Indiana, Nove mber 6th, 1933.
<br />I, Gladys Me Monroe, City Clerk of the City Of South Bend, Indiana, do hereby certify
<br />that a copy of the attached notice,'was posted October 26th, 1933 in the following places, to—wit:
<br />In the Corridor of the City Hall, South Bend, Indiana$
<br />In the Corridor of the Court House, South Bend, Indiana,
<br />I l
<br />On Telephone Pole at the South East Corner Of Lincoln Way, oo+ and North Walnut Streets,
<br />South Bend, Indiana, all being Public Places in s aid City.
<br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed the Seal of,-th Cit of South
<br />Bend, Indianat this 6th day of November) I A* Do 1933• Gladys Me Monroe, City e Clerky .
<br />0 official Seal) Thee report was accepted and ordered to be placed on file* Motion carried.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of. South Bend:
<br />Your Committee of the Whole"to whom was referred An Ordinance..Transferring the sum of
<br />Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars from One'Sub-Division to another Sub- division in the Department
<br />'*c;f Public Safety, Respectfully report that they have examined the matter, and that in their
<br />opinion the said Ordinance should be reported Favorable. John 0. Hiss, Chairman's The report
<br />was accepted by the Councile,
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred An Ordinance amending Ordinance jo, 2331
<br /> the Common Council of the City of South Bendl,lndianap on June 25, 1923, commonly
<br />known as Zoning Ordinanoe, as was Introduced into the Common Council meeting Oct. 23rd,, 1933,
<br />Respedtfully report that they have examined the matter, and that in their opinion - theg:said
<br />Ordinance should be reported Unfavorable. John C. Hiss, Chairmane; The report was accepted by
<br />the Council.
<br />To the Common Council of the:-,City of South Bend:
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2331,
<br />adopted by the Common Council of the City of South Bend) Indiana, Onie June 25., 1923, commonly
<br />-,'1933,-
<br />known as Zoning Ordinance, as was Introduced into the Common Council Meeting Oct'. gth
<br />- the said.
<br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter, and that in their opinion
<br />Ordinance should be reported Unfavorable . Jbhn C. Hiss, Chairman. The report was accepted by
<br />th-e Council...
<br />An Ordinance amending ordinance No, 2331 adopted by the Common Council of the-01-ty of
<br />on June 2 1923) 00= nly known as Zoning Ordinance.
<br />Sq -- 5, q 0
<br />_�Ah Bend, Indiana) The Ordinance was gi, ven its third readi#g by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />was Lost by the following vote: Whiteman, Rokopt Goetzt Hull, Jaworskip Aitfbldl Hiss, Oakley,
<br />Grzeskowiak ) Cripe and Gustin) Ayes 0, Nays lls Ordinance Lost.
<br />ORDINANCE NO* il of the City of
<br />An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2331, adopted by the Common Counc
<br />South Bendv Indiana2 on June 25, 1923, commonly known-as Zoning.Ordinancee
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title., and was placed upon its passage and
<br />as was Lost by the following vote** Whiteman, Rokopt Goetz., Hull,* Jaw4orskit Altfeldt Hiss,
<br />takley, Grzeskowiakp X Oripeand Gustini Ayes Ot NaYr, ll� Ordinance Lost..
<br />ORDINANCE I NOV, -division
<br />erring the sum of Two' Hundred-($200000) Dollars from One Sub
<br />An Ordinance Transf
<br />to another Sub-Division in the Department of Public Safety* ssage and
<br />Ordinance was given its third reading by title and was placed upon its pa
<br />I Jaworski, Altfel&p Hiss,
<br />The Or Na 1gzm* Whiteman, Rokopt GOetzt Hullp
<br />passed by I the following vote
<br />Oakley, Grzeskowiakt.oripe and Gustint Ayes 1 1, Nays Oe Ordinance adopted*,
<br />ORDINANCE"NO. certain appropriations in the
<br />An OrdinaZZ`Transferring certain sums of Money from ropriations in
<br />Department of Public Works of the City of South_ Bend, Indiana, to other app
<br />Department.' its second reading in full and on.
<br />title
<br />e
<br />e Whole, also that a Public
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by Committee of the
<br />Motion of f Councilman Whiteman was referred to the
<br />Hearing be held November 27th, 1933 at 700 o'clock P. Me Motion carried
<br />Products, and Sea Food an
<br />ORDINANCE NO. Ordinance lating the Handling and sale of U Meat, Meat P
<br />An Ordinance Regulating its Therefor*'
<br />prooviding for the inssuance of Permits
<br />reading by title,
<br />its second reading in full and on.Mot
<br />was given its fir N
<br />The Ordinance he Whole, also the Ordinance Committe
<br />of Councilman Aitfeld was referred to the Committee of t
<br />and the Health Board, Motion carried.
<br />1 adjourned at 8%00 o1clock. P. Me motion carried.
<br />On Motion of Councilman Hull the Council
<br />ATTXST 120
<br />7 OLE
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