November 14th, 19320 REGULAR MEETING..
<br />MINUTES:
<br />Be it Remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the
<br />Regular Session in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Monday evening ftt NoVenrber 14th,
<br />1932 at thehour of 7 :50 o'clock. P. Mo All Members present. President Nelson presided. The
<br />Minutes of the previous meeting were read and on Motion of Councilman Hull the Minutes were
<br /> read:'- Motion carried:
<br />In the Matter of the Appropriation of the sum of Thirty --four Hundred Seventy ($3470.00)
<br />Dollars from the General Fund of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to the Department:.of Public
<br />Safety of toe City of South Bend for the purchase of Equipment for its Fire Departmentt.'
<br />South Bend, Indiana, November 14th, 1932.
<br />I, Gladys M. MOarge, City Clerk of the City of South -Bendl Indiana, 'do hereby certify that
<br />copy of the attached notice was published on November 2nd and November 9th, 1932 in the
<br />Evening Editions. of The South Bend News Times and The South Bend Tribune, two Daily Newspapers,
<br />both published in the City of South Bend, Indiana, also that I have posted notices in the
<br />following places, to- wit:
<br />City Hall, South Bend, Indiana, Court House, South.Bend, Indiana, Telephone Pole at the
<br />South East Corner of the Alley on West Madison:Street between North Michigan and North Main
<br />Streets South Bend, Indiana *'
<br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the -City of
<br />South Bend, State of Indiana, this 14th day of November, A*` D:` 1932.'
<br />0 Official Seal) Gladys M. Monroe, City Clerk ( See files for proof of Ppblication)
<br />The Report was accepted by the Council
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend :.
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred.An"Ordinance authorizing Temporary Loans
<br />not to exceed the R Total amount of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars 3350,OOO.00) in
<br />anticipation of current revenues of the City of South Bend, Indiana, during the - fiscal year:
<br />1932 and in anticipation of the.collection of Taxes during said Fiscal year of 1932;- -and v
<br />authorizing the issuance cf time.Warrants to evidence such Loans and Providing the terms and Ter
<br />of such Time Warrants and the Method of Sale. Respectfully yeport that they have exam inednthe
<br />matter, and that in their opinion the said Ordinance should be reported Unfavorable. John C.
<br />Hiss,-Chairman. The report was accepted by the Council.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />Your Committee of the Whole -to whomx was referred An Ordinance appropriating:the sum of
<br />Thirty -Four Hundred Seventy ($3470.00) Dollars from the General Fund of the City of South Bend,.
<br />Indiana, to the Department of Public Safety of the City of South Bend for the Purchase of
<br />Equipment for its Fire Departmente.Respectfully report that they have examined the Matter, and
<br />that in their opinion the said Ordinance should be reported Favorable.' John C. Hiss, Chairman.'.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of'South Bend
<br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred An Ordinance concerning water Heaters :' -
<br />A. Respectfully report that they have examined the matter, and that in their opinion the said Ord -
<br />'inance shcluld be reported favorable as amended. xa by adding the words in Sec: 2, 0 and vents t
<br />of a none- corrosive material# . John C Hiss, Chairman: The report was , accepted by the Council."
<br />An Ordinance authorizing Temporary Loans not to-exceed the Total amount of .Three Hundred
<br />Fifty Thousand•(0350,000.00) in anticipation of current Revenues of the City of South
<br />Send, Indiana, during the Fiscal Year 1932 amyl in anticipation of the collection of taxes durin@
<br />said.Fiscal year of 1932; and authorizing the issuance of time warrants to evidence such Loans
<br />and Providing the Terms and Tenor of such Time Warrants and the Method of sale:
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />was Lost by the following vote: Nelson,.Whiteman, Rokop, Goetz, Hull, Jawo.rski, Altfeld, Hiss,
<br />Oakley, Grzeskowiak0 axd Cripe and Gustin, Ayes 0, Nays 12, Ordinance Lost:'
<br />ORDINANCE N0. 0 Dollars from
<br />An Ordinance approprriating the sum of Thirty -Four Hundred Seventy.(3 7 )
<br />00
<br />the General fund of - the City. of S ut Bend.IndiaatteDeparme tcE Public.,, of the Ci
<br />of Sputh Bend for the Puxrchase o f q up naoDh9 Fire Department*
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and as placed ulooi its passage and
<br />passed by the following vote: Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop, Goetz, , : f
<br />Oakley, Grzeskowiak , Qripe ".and Gustin, Ayes 121 Nays 00' Ordinance adopted
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 00
<br />An Ordinance Concerning Water Heaters :'
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following Vote: Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop, Goetz, Hull, Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss,
<br />Oakley, Grzeskowiak, Cripe and Gustin.' Ayes 12, Nays 0, Ordinance adopted:'
<br />ORDINANCE N0. ________ 2331 commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance in so far
<br />An Ordinance amending Ordinance No , .
<br />it applies to Height and Area of certain Property in the City of South Bend, Indiana:
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and on
<br />Motion of Councilman Oakley was referred to the City Plan Commission to report back3ttoo� clock P
<br />Committee of the thole, also that a Public Hearing be held December 5th, 1932 at
<br />.It, Motion carried.
<br />An Ordnance approving a Franchise, Grant and Contract with Chicago South Shore and
<br />South,.-Bend Railroad" -
<br />The Ordinance was given itsferred to the Committee oftthee117b .oleTeMotionlcarriedand ors
<br />Motion of Councilman Hiss was re
<br />On Motion of Councilman Oakley the Council adjourned at
<br />8.00 o1clock P: M Motion carried.
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