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May 25th, 1931:. <br />-- _ MINUTES. <br />REGULAR MEETING. <br />Be it Remembered that the Common Council met in the Regular Session in the Council <br />Chambers in the CitybHall, Monday evening May 25th,-1931 at the hour of 7 :45 oIdlock P: M: <br />All Members present except Councilman Oakley,. President Nelson presided. The-Minutes of the <br />previous meeting were read and on Motion of Councilman Hull were referred'to the Committee on <br />the Inspection and Supervision of Minutes.' Motion carried: <br />REPORT OF COMMITTEE'-- MINUTES <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee on the inspection-and Supervision of the Minutes, would resp4otfully report: <br />that they have inspected the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council and found them <br />correct: They therefore recommend that the same be approved: Joseph S: Jaworski, Julius <br />Altfeld, Committee.' South Bend, Ind:' April 27th, 1931.' Them report was accepted and orderect <br />to -be placed_ or_ file: Motion. carried.' - - <br />CARD -OF THANKS. <br />-To thank you for your though ftl, kindness at a ti;e- when it was greatly appreciated*`' <br />James J.' Hatt and Family. _-,-The $BARD 41 ...a <br />asccepted and ordered to be placed on file. <br />REPORT OF' THE COMMITTEE OF Tom; WHOLE* To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred Am-Ordinance extending Whitman Court one <br />b;ock North -from Wenger Street to Keasey Street; in--the City of South Bend, Indiana: Respectful) <br />report that they have examined the matter,, and that in their a x opinion the sai& Ordinance <br />should be reported Favorable.' Jno. C.' Hiss -, Chairman: The report was accepted by the <br />Xi Council: <br />REPORT OF THE CfOMMITTEE - OF THE WHOLE <br />the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee of the Whole to whom was referred A Petition to change the name of the.. <br />street Tecumseh Avenue to Hill Crest Road. Respectfully report that they have examinednthe <. <br />matter, and that in their opinion the said Petition should be reported Favorable and that City <br />Attorney draw an Ordinance for same. Jno.' C Hiss, Chairman: The report was accepted by the <br />Council**' - <br />ORDINANCE NO 2929.E <br />An Ordinance extending Whitman -Court one block North from Wenger Street to Keasey Street, <br />in the City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />The Ordinance was given its :f, third reading by title, And was placed upon its passage <br />and passed by the following vote: Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop,bGoetz, Hull, Jaworski; Altfeld, <br />Hiss, Ma Grzeskowiak, CSripe and Gustin, Ayes 11, Nays 00 Ordinance adopted: <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2930." - <br />An Ordinance changing t e name of Tecumseh_Avenue in the City of South Bend, Indiana to <br />Hill Crest Road in said City: <br />The Ordinance. -was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and on motiaa <br />of Councilman Cripe the Rules were suspended by the following vote; Nelson vWhiteman, Rokop, <br />Goetz; =Hull, Jaworski, Altftld, Hiss, Grzeskowiak, Cripe and Gustin, Ayes,�.i, Nays 0:` Rules <br />Suspended and Ordinance goes to third reading: <br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and <br />passed by thefollowing vote; Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop, Goetz, Hull, Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss, <br />Grzeskowiak, Cripe and-Gustin, Ayes 112 Nays 0: Ordinance adopted,":: <br />ORDINANCE NO <br />An.Ordinance appropriating the sum of Eleven Hundred Seven and 25/100 Dollars ($1107025) <br />to the Department of Public Works of the 01ty of South Bend with which to pay for abstracting <br />work and preparatim of property list in the matter of the widening of Division Street, now <br />Western Avenue: - <br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and on Motion <br />of Councilman Rokop was referred to the Committee of the Whole, also that a Public Hearing be <br />held June 8th, 1931 at 7 :30 o'clock P:"M: Motion carried:' <br />ORDINANCE N0. <br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500.00 ) <br />from the General Fund of the City-of South-Bend Indiana to the Department of Public-Safety of <br />the City of South- -Bend for the Purchase of Equipment for its Fire Department. <br />The Ordinance was given its first reading * title, its second reading in full and on: <br />Motion of Councilman Hull was referred to the Committee of the Whole, also that a Public Hearing <br />be-held June 8th, 1931 at_ -7 :30 o'clock Pol M. Motion carried.' <br />On Motion of Councilman. Rokop the Counci1 adjourned at 8 :05 o1clock P M. Motion carried":' <br />ATTEST <br />dr <br />PPROVED <br />PRESIDENT <br />