<br />The Ordinance was given its third, reading by title, lixxxiaza and was placed upon its passe
<br />and passed by the,following vote: Whiteman, Rokop, Goetzt Hulls Jaworskiq Hissp Oakley,
<br />Grzeskowiak-and Gustin; Ayes 9., Nays 0.1 Ordinance adopted*"
<br />oRDiNANOrNO* N169' -ftg
<br />An Ordinance amen Section-One of Ordinance Number 2670 which is an Ordinance amend
<br />Ordinance 2243 commonly known as the Building Code.1
<br />The Ordinance was g0ven its third reading by titlet and was placed'upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following vote: Whitemans, Rokop,, Goetz, Hulls Jaworskit Hiss, Oakley, Grzeskowi.
<br />and Gustin; Ayes -91'Nays-O: Ordinance adopted.,
<br />ORDINANCE kO,- 2 Z.1 and , 55/100 An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Six Dollars (0694'55
<br />and the sum of Thirty' and 95/100 Dollars (030,55) from the General Fund of the City of.Sou;h
<br />Indiana: to the-DepaTtment of Law for the payment of Judgmento" d
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by titles and was placed upon its passagGrzeskoe an
<br />wia
<br />passed by the I f ollowing vote: Whitemant Rokop., Goetz, Hulls Jaworskis Hiss,,, Oakle yt
<br />and Gustini-Ayes--9 Nays 0-' Ordinance- adopted
<br />01wix"Ci- Ito. -�bO) Dollars from the
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Thirty -Four Hundred ($3400
<br />General Fund of the City of- South Bend., to the Finance Department-of said 0itys Sub-Head B-SA
<br />for Payment of Legal Advertising: I I -
<br />_. -
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />Passed by the following vote:Whitemant Rokopt Goetz Hull,, Jaworskis Hiss, Oakley,
<br />Grzeskowiak-and Gustins Ayew-.9.,-Nays 00 Ordinance 2opted..
<br />An Ordinance amending certain parts of Ordinance 2331 commonly known as the Zoning 0 rdina
<br />The Ordinance rows_ given its :t first reading by title$ its second reading in full and
<br />on Motion of Councilman Gustin the Rules were suspended by the following vote: Jaworskis Hiss Whiteman,
<br />Rokop, Goetz.,
<br />Oakleyt Grzeskowiaks and Gustin, Ayes 19j.Nays 001 Rules
<br />Suspehded and Ordinance goes,to-,third reading*'
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title., and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following voteot-Whitemans Rokop, Goetz, Hulls Jaworskis Hissp�Oakleys Grzeskowis
<br />and Gustin- .-Ayes- 9., Nay's Oil' Ordinance- adopted.'
<br />ORDIWOE NO* N20_z'
<br />An Ordinatice providing fors the disbursement of t e monies received by the city of South
<br />Bend from the State of Indiana from the Gasoline Tax*`
<br />The Ordinance was given its first readir4 by title, its second reading in full and on
<br />MOtion of Councilman Whiteman the Rules were suspended by the-following vote: Whiteman.. Rokop,
<br />Goetz'., Hulls Jaworskis, Hiss, Oakleys- Grzeskowiak and Gustin, Ayes Nays 0 Rules suspendedL
<br />and Ordinance goes to third reading�l
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title and was placed noxx upon Its passage
<br />and passed by the following vote., Whitemans, Rokop, Goetz Hulls Jaworskis Hiss, Oaklev.
<br />Ordinance adopte&.'
<br />Grteskowiak and Gustin, Aye13 93, Nays 0-
<br />on Motion of Councilman Whiteman the Council adjourned at 1 9:10 o'clock P* M Motion.
<br />carried.-"
<br />'ATTEST
<br />CfLE
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