<br />An Ordinance approving The-Purchase of an Automobile Ambulance by the City of South Bend
<br />through its Board of Safetyei
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by-titlev its second reading in full 33A on
<br />Motion of Councilman Whiteman the Rules-.--were suspended by the following vote: Hulls Nelson,,
<br />Whiteman Goetzs Jaworski., Hiss., Oakley, Grzeskowiakt Oripe and Gustin, 19, Rays 0"
<br />. , Rokop., Ayes 1
<br />Rules sus ended and Ordinanc6 goes to third :reading'*'
<br />The 8rdinance was given its third reading g by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following vote: Hull, Nelaon I Whiteman, Rokop., Goetz, Jaworskis Hiss, Oakley$
<br />Grzi6skowiak. Cripe and Gustins Ayes 11, Nays-0 Ordinance-, ad(hpted*`
<br />OF=&= N-0-0,
<br />An Ordinances e approving a Contract between James Hi and The Board of Public Works
<br />of the City of South7Bend$ Indiana::
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its'second reading in full and on
<br />Motion of-Councilman Rokop was referred-to the Committee of the-Whole: Motion carried*"-
<br />ORDINANCE 1100
<br />—N-W-ifying a Co#tract by and Between the City of South Bend
<br />An Ordinance t s Indiana by and
<br />Through its Board of Public Works and The Indiana and Michigan Electric Company, a Corporation
<br />for the erection and Maintenande -of -Lighting System and The Furnishing of Light for certain
<br />Streets, Alleys, Boulevards and-Public-Places in the City of South Bend$ Indianaq entered into
<br />the 17tho't day of June, 1-N1
<br />93
<br />The Ordinance was,' . given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and on
<br />Motion of Councilman Hiss was referred to the Committee of the Whole*" Motion carried*"
<br />BE IT HESMVED-BY THE ID01MON COUNCIL of the City of South Bend, ' State of Indiana, that the
<br />City nd Controller of saidCity is hereby authorized and directed to pay on the 20th day of Dec,
<br />1930, all monthly Salaries of Officials and Employees o f said City, becoming due for the Month
<br />of December 19300`
<br />On Motion of Oouncilman Nelson the Resolution was adopted .by the Council:' RESOLUTION. INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN STEPHEN C. GRZESKOWIAX .
<br />WHEREAS on the first day of April 1930 the §c;jrd of Public Woiks of the City of South B
<br />Indiana, confirmed, as modifiedl, . t Grade Reparation Resolution No 5 providingfor the separation
<br />of certain grades on certain streets in said City; and . .
<br />WHEREAS, this.0ouncil..dia approve said Modified Resblution,No*l 0 5 by Ordinance,Noo" 2851 du� ,
<br />adopted on the 23rd day of Aprili 1930; and#
<br />WHEREAS, thereafter the various railroad companies affected and the City of South Bend fil
<br />i
<br />in the office of said Board their plans' specifications and estimates under said Re solutions a
<br />required by law; and$
<br />WHEREAS, after giving due and legal notice thereof., the Board., at its hearing on the first
<br />day of JVly, 1930, considered and overruled all remonstrances and approved the said plans,
<br />specifications and estimates so filed. ) and
<br />WHEREAS, it now appears that all appeals that were filed in the Circuit or Superior Cour
<br />of St*" Joseph County pursuant to remonstrances against said plans,,specifio&tions and estimates
<br />have now been disposed of-and-no, such appeals are now pending; and
<br />WHEREAS, the time fdr filing appeals from the action of the Board of Public Works has.long
<br />since expired$
<br />said City and the various railroad companies affected proceed with the 'work of*grade separation
<br />as provided for in-Modified Resolution No 5 so mm adopted by the Board of Public; Works of sai
<br />City and approved by this Council and as provided for in the plans, specifications and estimate
<br />dified'Resolution X
<br />contracts and all other proceedings had pursuant and supplemental to said Mo
<br />5s and be it further resolved that the construction Of said improvement be and it is hereby
<br />ordered as set forth in said Modified Resolution NO*" 5 and proceedings thereunder, in accordant
<br />with .Chapter 36 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana for the year 19236
<br />See Page 61
<br />er
<br />•I
<br />