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( Concluded <br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full.and <br />on Motion of Councilman-Whiteman the Rules were susnpended by the following vote: Fegam, <br />Nelson, Whiteman, Nall Rokop, Hull, Jaworski, AZtfeld, Hiss, Oakley, Grzeskowiak, Cripe <br />and Gustin, Ayes 12, Nays 0: Rules Suspended and Ordinance goes to third reading: <br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its - passage and <br />passed by the following vote: Fegan, Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop, Hull,:Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss,, <br />Oakley, Grzeskowiak, Cripe -and Gvstin, Ayes 12., Nays 0 Ordinance adopted: <br />ORDINANCE N0 <br />An Ordinance Transferring--certain sums of Money-from one Z SubDepartment of the Board <br />of Public Works to another SubDepartment of the same Board: <br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title,.-its- second reading in full and on <br />Motion of- Councilman -Rokop was referred to the Committee of the Whole: Motion carried: <br />NCE <br />ORLINA:NO, <br />An Ordinance amending certain Parts of-Ordinance 2331 commonly known as the Zoning <br />Ordinance: <br />The Ordinance was given its first reading-by-title, its second reading in full and on- <br />Motion of Councilman Gu.stin was referred to the City Plan Commissionftto: report back to the <br />Committee of the Whole, also that a Public Hearing -be held December Sthz, 1930 at 7 :30 P M <br />Notion carried: - <br />1ORDINANCE <br />An Ordinance atifping and confirming an agreement between the City of: South Bend- <br />and The Citizens of the Town of Ardmore-for Fire Protection: <br />The Ordinance was given its first readffing by title, its second reading in full'` and <br />on Motion of Councilman Whiteman was referred to the Committee of the Whole: Motion carried: <br />RESIGNATION OF WALTE&�-14.""'FEOAN;.-: CDUNCILMAN -AT -LARGE and PRESIDENT OF COMMON COUNCIL: <br />South Bends Indiana <br />November 10, 19 ! <br />30 <br />To <br />The City Clerk and The Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana* <br />I hereby tender my resignation as President of the d6mmon Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, and as Councilman -at -Large inn said Council: <br />It has been a-rare pleasure to me during the past ten months to serve with the Members <br />of the Council, and to preside over your deliberations, and I shall always cherish the' <br />memory of my association wit- <br />Very sincerely yours, <br />Walter I Fegan <br />On Motion of Councilman Hull.the Resignation was p6eept.ed and,ordered to be placed n on file, <br />Motion carried: <br />On Motion"of Councilman Hull the Council adjourned at 9 :10 otclock P M'Motion carried; <br />ATTEST <br />- <br />CLERK <br />APPROVfD <br />PRESIDENT. <br />