<br />I Xeo.
<br />( Concluded )
<br />Grzeskowiak makes a Motion.to Suspend Rules,-whioh were voted on by the following voter Fegar�,,
<br />Whitem x. Rokop, Hull, Jaworskis Altfeld, Hiss, Oakley, Grzeskowiak, Cripe and Gustin, Ayes
<br />Nays 04 rxdixz=ax Rules spuspended and Ordinance goesto third readingo"l
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by titlev and was placed upon its-passage and
<br />passed by thefollowing vote: Fegan.-Whiteman, Rokop, Hull, Jaworski,, Altfeld, Hiss., Oakley,,
<br />Grzeskowiak Cripe and Gustin, Ayes 11, Kays 0'.," Ordinance adopted*';
<br />ORDINANCE N6#_
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (5000:00) from the General
<br />Fund of the City of South Bend,, Indiana, to the Finance Department of -said City for Clerks,
<br />Salaries*`
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title,, its second reading in full-and on
<br />Motion of Councilman Olipe was referred to the Committee of the Whole, also that a Public
<br />Hearing be.held-August ths 1930 at 7 :30- o'clock Pol U.'! Motion carried.'
<br />An OrdirA -"*e Transferring the sums of One Hundred Twenty Dollars ($1201100) and 2M Ten
<br />Dollars 010:'00) from one Detailed Classification,within the Department,of Law -to other
<br />Detailed Classifications within the Department of Law, Respectively*`
<br />The-Ordinance was given its first reading by titlei its second reading in fulL, and on
<br />Motion of Councilman Hiss was referred to the Committee of theWhole. Motion carried*"-
<br />State of Indiana
<br />SS..
<br />City of South Bend
<br />Resolved by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, That:
<br />WHEREAS, on-the 25th day of November, 1929, Fred H'' Wellington and otheis, filed in the
<br />office of the Auditor of St o" Joseph County, in the State of Indiana-, their petition for the,
<br />improvement-of a certain highway in Portage Township of said county; in which proceedings,, the
<br />beginning4 coursei-and te=ination-of-sa,i-d-proposed-improvement is as follows:
<br />Beginning at the point on said Riverside Drive whereait. intersectsrAngella AvenVLe in
<br />the Oityof South Bend on the Southern bouwd%rj line of Sectidn 35, Township 39 North.,
<br />Range 2 East, in said 6.ounty; thence running in a general Northerly and Northwesterly
<br />direction along and upon said Riverside Drive, to the Northern boundary line of said
<br />Section B.- where it terminates; being less than two miles in length.'
<br />And WHEREAS, a part of said highway proposed to be improved is ' within the corporate limits
<br />of the said city of South Bend,,_which part is a portion of Riverside Drive in said City;
<br />THEREFORE., Be it Resolved by the Zft Common Council of the City of South Bend,, that the
<br />Common Council of said City does hereby consent to and x approve the said proposed improvement
<br />of said street and highway, and of said portions of said Riverside Drive in the City of South
<br />Bend,, by the Board of Commissioners of St o JosVh County, State of-Indiana.. under said petition,
<br />as set forth -and described in said proceedings; and aocording,to the plans, specifications and
<br />profile now on file in the office of the Auditor of said County,
<br />On Motion of Councilman Whiteman-the Resolution was adopted *" Motion carrieds'
<br />On Motion of Councilman Rok6p the Council= adjourned.at 9*445 o'clock P*" M.` Motion carried*'
<br />ATTEST
<br />CLEF
<br />