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The Ciiey to be vacated ;s the fist NGrih/Svlitl"i Ciiey (1 G' Yride) iciest Of LCUrEI Street <br />on the Scuth side of V,'estern Avenue and the 1t' wide alley that runs Southwesterly <br />from said North/South alley along the North right of way of a vacated railroad. Both <br />alleys being loceted in Bank Out Lot 92, in the Southvrest ;+ of Section 11, Township 37 <br />North, Range 2 East. St. Joseph County, Portage Township, City cf South Bend, Indiana, <br />and more particularly described as fellow: <br />Commencing at the intersection of the original South right of way line of ~'lestern <br />Avenue and the +'~'est right of way line of Laurel Street (said original line of Western is <br />15 feet North of the current right of vray fine); thence ~~'est along said original South <br />right of way fine of ~4'estern Avenue a distance of 346 feet, mare or less, to the <br />intersection of the South right of way line of 1~'lestern Avenue and the East right of way <br />line of said North/Sout;t alley and the place of beginning; thence South a{eng said <br />East line of said 10' wide Ncrth/South alley a distance of 72.3 feet to the Northerly <br />right cf way line of a vacated railroad right of way (Tax ID X018-3059-2307.01)- <br />thence Southwesterly along said Northerly railrood right of way a distance of 190 feet, <br />more or less; thence Northwesterly perpendicular to said Northerly right of vray line of <br />said railroad a distance of 14 feet; thence Northeasterly along a fine parallel to and <br />14 feet fram the Northerly right of way line of the vacated railroad a <br />feet to the Vlest right of vray line of said 10 foot wide North/South al <br />North along said ~Uest right of Fray line of the i0 foot wide Ncrth/Sou <br />diistonce of 61.132 feet to the South right of way fine of 4t'estern Avent <br />along sand South line to the place of beginning. <br />~~1~~'l~ ~~~i`~nJ~ ~~~E~e <br />obey <br />th nce East <br />J U L 1 8 2008 <br />,i~~~ ~f~a~lx~ <br />CI'i'`f CLE~:i~, drys?. ~EF~~, End <br />