( Concluded )
<br />of South Bend.;
<br />The Ordinance was given its t third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage, and
<br />passed by the following vote: Fegan, Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop, Hull, Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss,
<br />Oakley, Grzeskowiak,'Cripe, duatt and Gustin, Ayes 12, Nays 0. Ordinance adopted.
<br />ORDINANCE NO, 25250
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Five Thousand Six'Hundred Ten Dollars (45610.00)
<br />from the General Fund of the City of South Bend, Indiana, To The Municipal Airport Fund for
<br />Municipal Airport Expenses.-
<br />The Ordinance was given iPs.third reading�by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following vote: egan, Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop,: Hull, Jaworski, Altfeld, Hiss,
<br />Oakley, Grzeskowiak, Cripe and - Gustin, Ayes 12, Nazys a 0. Ordinance adopted.
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars: (43500.00),
<br />from the General Fund of the City of South Bend . ndiana to the Department of Public: Health,
<br />far its expenses in Preventing and,treating Spinal Meningitis.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full and
<br />Councilman Ne -lson makes a Motion to referr it to the Committee of the Wholas also that:a
<br />Public.-Hearing be held February 10th, 1930: at 7:3G o*cloc& P. M Notion carried,
<br />An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Nine Thousand Two, Hundred Thirty -Seven (09,237.00)
<br />Dollars from the General Fund of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to the Finance Department..
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading innfull :and on
<br />Motion of Councilman Rokop was referred to the Committee of the Whole, also that a Public.
<br />Hearing be held February 10th, 19:30 at 7:36 o'clock- P. M. Motion Carried::
<br />An Ordinancransferring in the same Department f 'the: sum of Four- Thousand Seven Hundred'
<br />R Seven Dollars and Four Cents: ($4,707..04) from the- sum: appropriated Jiy Ordinance No.-,2820
<br />passed by the Common Council on December 30, 1929 tothe epartment.of Finance of the, City of
<br />South Bend, Indiana, for the Purpose of Paying the installment and interest for 1929 upon
<br />Reduction of assessments -for the Sheridan Avenue:, Humbolt Street and Elwood Avenue Sub- Trunk
<br />Sewers.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by title, its second reading in full andon Moti
<br />of Councilman Hull was--referred to the Committee of the Whole. Motion carried.
<br />An Ordinance amending Ordinance #2331 commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance,.
<br />The Ordinance was given its first reading by ;title, its: second reading: in full and on
<br />Motion of Councilman Hull was referred to the City Plan Commission to report back to the
<br />Committee of the Whole:,, Dfe:ktmnxe,%zxzzdx also that a Public Hearing be held - February 10th .1930
<br />at 7 -: -30' o'clock P. M. Motion carried. ..... .
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 2826. -
<br />An Ordinance Concerning Publia� Parks in the City of .South Bend,. Indiana.
<br />he Ordinance was given its first reading by.title, its second reading in full and min
<br />Councilman Cripe makes~a Motion to Suspend Rules, which were voted on by the following vote:
<br />Fegan, Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop,- Hulls, .Jawar.ski,..Alt.feld,.. Hiss,. Pakley,- Grzeskowiaks Cripe and
<br />& %�a Gustin, Ayes -12, Nays. •Q.. Rule.a .auspende.d and .Ordinance. go.e.s .t.o. third reading.
<br />The Ordinance was given its third reading by title, and was placed upon its passage and
<br />passed by the following vote -: Fegan, Nelson, Whiteman, Rokop3, Hull,. Jaw.(rski, Altfeld,x Hiss,
<br />Oakley, Grzeskowiak,: Cri a and Gustin, Ayes 12,; Nays 0. Ordinance adopted.
<br />On Motion of Councilman elson the Council adjourned at 10:15 o'clock P.'M.. Motion carried,.,
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