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LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A parcel of land being all of Lots 13, 14, 15, 26, 27, and <br />28 and the 14 foot vacated alley lying South of and adjacent to <br />Lot 13 and together with all vacated alleys lying between said lots, <br />all in the recorded plat of J. G. Bartlett's First Addition to the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, and more particularly described as <br />follows, viz: <br />Beginning in the Northeast Corner of said Lot 15, said <br />beginning point being the intersection of the West right -of -way line <br />of Michigan Street (U.S. 31) and the South right -of -way line of <br />Bartlett Street as currently exist; thence South along said right- <br />of-way line of Michigan Street (U.S. 31) a distance of 194 Feet; <br />thence West parallel with said South right -of -way line of Bartlett <br />Street 165 Feet; thence North parallel with said West right -of -way <br />line of Michigan Street (U.S. 31) 14 Feet; thence West parallel <br />with said South right -of -way line of Bartlett Street 184.49 Feet; <br />thence North parallel with said West right -of -way line of Michigan <br />Street (U.S. 31) a distance of 180 Feet; thence East along said <br />South right -of -way line of Bartlett Street 344.49 Feet, to the place <br />of beginning. <br />