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Part of the N 1/2 of Sec. 27, Twp. 38 N, R. 2 E described <br />as beginning at a point 150 feet Southerly of the centerline <br />of the Indiana East West Toll Road and 65 feet southwesterly <br />and perpendicular to the centerline of Portage Ave; thence <br />South bearing 27 023'38" on and along the Westerly line of <br />Portage Road a distance of 493.93 feet; thence Southerly <br />bearing 23 °16'15" a distance of 120 feet; thence Southerly <br />and Westerly in an arc having a 60' radius to the North line of <br />a private driveway parallel to and 751186" South of the <br />centerline of the Indiana East West Toll Road; thence <br />Westerly along the North line of said private driveway a <br />distance of approximately 424 feet to the Easterly line of <br />a north south private street as shown on the Recorded Plat <br />of Portage Place Apartments; thence Northerly bearing 00 °01'30" <br />a distance of 601.86 feet more or less to the South line of the <br />Indiana East West Toll Road; thence along said South line <br />a distance of 180.71' to the place of beginning; containing <br />4.72 acres more or less. <br />Subject to: <br />1. A 10' easement over and across the North 10' of said tract. <br />2. A 10' easement 5' either side of a line parallel to <br />and 503.00' North of the South line of said tract for <br />maintenance and construction of a water main. <br />