In the Northwest
<br />Ironwood Road and
<br />(Kensington Farms
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 63774-2 9
<br />(Chapter 21, Municipal Code).
<br />P�
<br />Quadrant of
<br />Kern Road
<br />East)
<br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South
<br />Bend, Indiana:
<br />Section 1. Ordinance No. 4990 -68, as amended, which ordin-
<br />ance is commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South
<br />Bend, Indiana, be and the same hereby is amended in order that the
<br />zoning classification of the following described real estate in the
<br />City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, State of Indiana:
<br />A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 31,
<br />Township 37 North, Range 3 East in St. Joseph County, Indiana,
<br />more particularly described as follows, viz:
<br />Beginning at a point on the East line of the Southeast Quar-
<br />ter (1/4) of Section 31, 827.63 feet North of the Southeast
<br />corner of said Southeast Quarter (1/4), said point of begin-
<br />ning being on the centerline of Ironwood Road; thence North
<br />00 - 001 -0011 East, along the east line of the Southeast Quar-
<br />ter (1/4), and the centerline of Ironwood Road, 1720.78 feet
<br />to a point 100 feet South of the Northeast corner of the South-
<br />east Quarter (1/4) of Section 31; thence West on a line par-
<br />allel with the East and West centerline of said Section, 260
<br />feet; thence North 100 feet to the East and West centerline
<br />of said Section 31; thence South 89 - 47' -19" West along the
<br />North line of said Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 31,
<br />2134.13 feet; thence South 00 - 351 -06" East, 123.09 feet;
<br />thence South 16 - 18' -35" East, 241.32 feet to the Northeast
<br />corner of Lot 236 in Kensington Farms Subdivision, Section 6;
<br />thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Lot 236 and
<br />said Northerly line projected, to the centerline of York Road;
<br />thence Southerly along the centerline of York Road to its
<br />point of intersection with the South line of Lot 253, projected,
<br />in Kensington Farms Subdivision, Section 6; thence South 89
<br />-561 -1011 East, 35 feet to the East line of York Road; thence
<br />South 00 - 03' -50" West, along the East line of York Road,
<br />17.01 feet; thence South 89 - 561 -10" East, along the South
<br />line of Lot 231 in Kensington Farms Subdivision, Section 6, a
<br />distance of 191.04 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot
<br />231; thence South 01 -15' -2911 East, along the East line of
<br />Kensington Farms Subdivision, Section 5, 390.11 feet; thence
<br />continuing along the East line of said Subdivision, South 17
<br />-56' -2511 East, 84.12 feet; thence South 05 - 53' -23" East,
<br />217.89 feet; thence South 08 - 07' -47" West, 63.05 feet; thence
<br />South 33 - 1l' -17" West, 208.58 feet; thence South 30 -411 -53"
<br />West, 134.42 feet; thence South 51 -40' -3111 East, 97.55 feet;
<br />thence South 00 - 03' -50" West, 325.24 feet to a point 330 feet
<br />North of the South line of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of
<br />Section 31; thence South 89 - 53' -30" East, parallel with the
<br />South line of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 31, a
<br />distance of 1976.68 feet; thence North 00 - 001 -00" East,
<br />497.63 feet; thence South 89 -59' -3411 East, 330.00 feet to
<br />the point of beginning, containing 115.9 acres more or less.
<br />Subject to legal highways.
<br />be and the same is hereby established as A -3 High Density Residential -
<br />Office and Professional District and A Height and Area District.
<br />