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TRANSMITTAL OF ADOPTED COMMISSION RESOLUTION <br />AND PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION BY THE <br />SOUTH BEND COMMON COUNCIL AND APPROVAL BY <br />THE MAYOR PERTAINING TO THE FINANCING OF <br />FACILITIES FOR ACRA ACRES BY THE ISSUANCE <br />BY THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, OF I <br />INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BON ED IN CLERK'S OFFICE <br />TO: Irene K. Gammon <br />City Clerk JUL 19 1978 <br />City of South Bend <br />County -City Building Ilene Gammon <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 u <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />The South Bend Economic Development Commission (Commission) <br />hereby transmits to you in accordance with the Public Law No. <br />182 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Indiana for 1973, <br />as such may be amended from time to time, including but not <br />limited to IC 18- 6 -4.5 -2 through IC 18- 6- 4.5 -28, hereinafter <br />referred to as the "Act ": <br />1. A resolution adopted by the Commission as of June 30, <br />1978, as called for by the Act; <br />2. Proposed ordinance for adoption by the Common Council <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as called for by the Act. <br />You will note from a perusal of the body of these documents <br />the purpose thereof is to finance the acquisition of land and <br />erect improvements thereon for ACRA ACRES, by the execution of <br />a Lease and Trust Indenture and the issuance of Industrial <br />Development Revenue Bonds in a total amount not to exceed <br />($275,000.00) repayable over a period not to exceed fifteen (15) <br />years' duration. <br />With respect to the ordinance, you are respectfully <br />asked to publish once in a newspaper in South Bend, Indiana, <br />a notice that such proposed ordinance has been filed with you <br />and present such ordinance to the Common Council of South Bend, <br />Indiana, for passage not earlier than ten (10) days from the <br />date of the publication of such notice. <br />Submitted this M day of 1978 <br />SOUTH BEND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />COMMISS,ION <br />�1110 <br />