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AMENDED PETITION TO REZONE <br />Date Filed <br />Date Area Plan Commission Received <br />Application Number <br />We the undersigned make application and petition the South Bend Common <br />Council to amend the Zoning Ordinance as herein requested. <br />1) The property sought to be rezoned is located at: <br />3451 Lincolnway West, South Bend,, Indiana, located 500 feet West of <br />the intersection of Lincolnway West and Iowa Streets in the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, on the north side of Lincolnway West. <br />2) Name of the property owners: <br />John T. Hartman and Madeleine P. Crawford <br />2810 South Michigan Street <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Telephone: 291 -6783 <br />3) It is desired and requested that the following described property be rezoned from <br />Class A Residential to Class C Commercial: <br />A part of the East Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter of Section Four (4), <br />Township Thirty -seven (37) North, Range Two (2) East, described as <br />follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the East Half (1/.2) of the <br />said Northeast Quarter of the said Section Four (4); thence running East <br />Two Hundred Eighty (280) feet; thence South Four Hundred Forty -eight and <br />Eighty -nine Hundredths (448.89) feet along the West line of Wendy's <br />extended more or less to the North line of Lincolnway West for a place of <br />beginning, thence Northwesterly along and upon the North right -of -way <br />line of Lincolnway West Three Hundred (300) feet more or less; to the <br />West line of the East Half (1/2); thence North One Hundred Eighty -two <br />(182) feet; thence East Two Hundred Eighty (280) feet more or less to <br />the West line of Wendy's extended at a point Two Hundred Ninety -three <br />(293) feet North to the place of beginning; thence South on the West line <br />of Wendy's extended a distance of Two Hundred Ninety -three (293) feet <br />to the place of beginning. <br />4) This rezoning is requested so as to allow the following uses: <br />Two restaurants on the property to be rezoned Class C. Commercial. <br />