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"I i <br />ORDINANCE NO. (fl 3 7 3. -2,? <br />ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND TO <br />ISSUE ITS "ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FIRST MORTGAGE <br />REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1978 (ROBERT J. BASNEY <br />AND ANN E. BASNEY PROJECT)" AND APPROVING OTHER <br />ACT16Na IN RESPECT THERETO <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE OF INTENT: <br />The South Bend Economic Development Commission has rendered <br />its Project Report for the ROBERT J. BASNEY AND ANN E. BASNEY <br />PROJECT regarding the financing of proposed economic development <br />facilities for ROBERT J. BASNEY AND ANN E. BASNEY and the South <br />Bend Plan Commission has commented favorably thereon; and <br />the South Bend Economic Development Commission conducted a <br />public hearing on May 5, 1978 and also adopted a Resolution on <br />May 5, 1978, which Resolution has been transmitted hereto, finding <br />that the financing of certain economic development facilities of <br />ROBERT J. BASNEY AND ANN E. BASNEY complies with the purposes and <br />provisions of I.C., 18 -6 -4.5 and that such financing will be of <br />benefit to the health and welfare of the City of South Bend and its <br />citizens; and <br />the South Bend Economic Development Commission has heretofore <br />approved and recommended the adoption of this form of Ordinance <br />by this Common Council and has approved the forms of and has <br />transmitted for approval by the Common Council the Loan Agreement, <br />Note, Lease Agreement, Conditional Assignment of Lease Agreement, <br />and Mortgage and Indenture of Trust; now therefore, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA That: <br />Section 1. It is hereby found that the financing of the <br />economic development facilities referred to in the Loan Agreement <br />approved by the South Bend Economic Development Commission and <br />presented to this Common Council, the issuance and sale of revenue <br />bonds, the loan of the proceeds of the revenue bonds to ROBERT J. <br />AND ANN E. BASNEY and the use by ROBERT J. BASNEY AND ANN E. BASNEY <br />of the net proceeds thereto for the acquisition and construction <br />of such facilities and the equipping thereof, the lease of said <br />facilities by ROBERT J. BASNEY AND ANN E. BASNEY, as a developer <br />to Basney Ford of South Bend, Inc., the payment of the revenue <br />bonds by the note payments of ROBERT J. BASNEY AND ANN E. BASNEY <br />under the Loan Agreement and Note, and the securing of said bonds <br />by the mortgaging of such facilities including the lease -hold <br />interests therein to the Trustee under the Mortgage and Indenture <br />of Trust and the conditional assignment of the Lease Agreement <br />to the Trustee complies with the purposes and provisions of I.C. <br />18 -6 -4.5 and will be of benefit to the health and welfare of the <br />City of South Bend, and its citizens. <br />Section 2. The final forms of the Loan Agreement, Note, Lease <br />Agreement, Conditional Assignment of Lease Agreement and Mortgage <br />and Indenture of Trust approved by the South Bend Economic Development <br />Commission are hereby approved and all such documents (herein <br />collectively referred to as the "Financing Agreement "' referred to <br />in I.C. 18- 6 -4.5), shall be incorporated hereby by reference and shall <br />be inserted in the minutes of the Common Council and kept on file by <br />the Clerk. <br />Section 3. The City of South Bend shall issue its Economic <br />Development First Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 1978 (ROBERT J. <br />BASNEY AND ANN E. BASNEY PROJECT), in the total principal amount <br />of One Million Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,850,000.00) <br />for the purpose of procuring funds to pay the costs of acquisition, <br />construction and equipping of the economic development facilities <br />as more particularly set out in the Mortgage and Indenture of Trust <br />