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Agreements a- prove herein on behalf Of the City of Soup;^ =e <br />1 � nu <br />and an,,,, other document which may be necessary or desirable to <br />consummate the transaction, including the Series 1978 Bond au- <br />thorized herein. The Series 1978 Bond shall be executed in the <br />name and on behalf of the Issuer by the manual or facsimile <br />Official signature of the Mayor and attested by the manual or <br />facsimile official signature of the City Clerk, the Series 1978 <br />Bond shall have the corporate seal of the Issuer impressed or <br />reproduced thereon and shall be authenticated by the endorsement <br />of the Trustee under the Indenture. The Series 1978 Bond may be <br />signed and sealed on behalf of the Issuer by those persons who, <br />at the actual date of the execution of the Series 1978 Bond, <br />shall be the proper officers of the Issuer, although at the <br />nominal date of the Series 1978 Bond any such person shall not <br />have been such officer of the Issuer. The City Clerk is author - <br />ized to arrange for delivery of the Series 1978 Bond to the Bond <br />Purchaser, payment for which will be made to the Trustee. The <br />Trustee is hereby authorized to receive and receipt for the <br />proceeds of said Series 1978 Bond on behalf of the Issuer and to <br />hold, invest and disburse said proceeds in accordance with the <br />provisions of the Indenture. <br />.Section 8. The provisions of the Ordinance and the <br />First Supplemental Indenture securing the Series 1978 Bond shall <br />constitute a binding contract between the Issuer and the holder <br />of the Series 1978 Bond, and after the issuance of said Series <br />1978 Bond, this Ordinance shall not be - repealed or amended in any <br />respect which would adversely affect the rights of such holder, <br />so long as said Series 1978 Bond or the interest thereon remains <br />unpaid. <br />Section 9. The Series 1978 Bond shall be issued in <br />compliance with and under authority of the provisions of the Act, <br />this ordinance and the Indenture. <br />Section 10. while the Series 1978 Bond shall remain <br />outstanding and unpaid, the Issuer hereby covenants and agrees <br />-7- <br />