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The issuance of revenue bonds by the Issuer as herein- <br />after authorized will in all respects conform to the provisions <br />and requirements of the Act. <br />It has now been determined that the estimated amount <br />necessary to finance the cost of completing the Project, includ- <br />ing necessary expenses incidental thereto, requires that addi- <br />tional revenue bonds of the Issuer in the principal amount of <br />$400,000 be authorized as hereinafter provided and that such <br />bonds shall be designated Economic Development Revenue Bond, <br />Series 1978 (Char -King, Inc. Project) (hereinafter referred to as <br />the "Series 1978 Bond "). <br />The proposed plan of financing has been submitted for <br />approval to the South Bend Economic Development Commission. <br />The South Bend Economic Development Commission has <br />rendered its Report Making Certain Estimates on the financing of <br />proposed economic development facilities for the Company and the <br />South Bend Plan Commission has commented favorably thereon. <br />The South Bend Economic Development Commission, after <br />public hearing, adopted a resolution on the same date, which <br />resolution has been previously transmitted hereto, finding that <br />the additional financing of certain economic development facili- <br />ties for the Company complies with the purposes and provisions of <br />I.C. (1971) 18- 6 -4.5, as amended, and that such additional financ- <br />ing will be of benefit to the health and welfare of the citizens <br />of the City of South Bend. <br />The South Bend Economic Development Commission has <br />heretofore approved and recommended the adoption of the proposed <br />form of ordinance by this Common Council. <br />Necessary arrangements have been made for the issuance <br />and sale of the Series 1978 Bond. <br />The Issuer has caused to be prepared and presented to <br />this meeting proposed forms of the following instruments: <br />(a) a form of First Supplemental Loan Agreement <br />(the "First Supplemental Loan Agreement ") <br />dated as of July 1, 1978 by and between the <br />Issuer and the Company; and <br />-3- <br />