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e l-ar,aed 1by _ ithin t'-he mean_ ng o � �i: °J const? ill �1oT? 1 or s to tu- <br />_ a <br />tory provision. Further, the Series 1978 Bond and the interest <br />thereon shall not be deemed to- constitute a debt or liability of <br />the Issuer or the State of Indiana or of any political subdivi- <br />sion thereof within the meaning of any constitutional or statu- <br />tory provision of the State of Indiana, and its issuance shall <br />not, directly or indirectly or contingently, obligate the State <br />of Indiana or any political subdivision thereof to levy any form <br />of taxation therefor or to make any appropriation for its payment. <br />Nothing in the Series 1978 Bond or in the Indenture or the proceed- <br />ings of the Issuer authorizing the issuance of the Series 1978 <br />Bond or in the Act shall be construed to authorize the Issuer to <br />create a debt or liability of the State of Indiana or any political <br />subdivision thereof within the meaning of any constitutional or <br />statutory provision of the State of Indiana. The nature of the <br />obligation represented by the Series 1978 Bond is as more fully <br />set forth in the Indenture. <br />Nothing in this resolution, the Loan Agreement or the <br />Indenture, shall be construed as an obligation or commitment by <br />the Issuer to expend any of its funds other than (i) the proceeds <br />of the sale of the Series 1978 Bond, (ii) certain of the revenues <br />and receipts to be received from the Project as provided in the <br />Indenture, (iii) any proceeds accruing to the issuer of insurance <br />on the Project, (iv) any moneys accruing to the Issuer on account <br />of any taking or condemnation of title to the whole or any part <br />of the Project, (v) any other moneys derived from or accruing to <br />the Issuer from the Project, and (vi) any moneys arising out of <br />the investment or reinvestment of said proceeds, revenues or <br />moneys. <br />Section 14. The Mayor and City Clerk for and on behalf <br />of the Issuer, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to <br />do any and all things necessary to effect the execution and <br />delivery of the Loan Agreement by the Company, the execution and <br />delivery of the Indenture and acceptance thereof by the Trustee, <br />-9- <br />