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BILL NO. 119 -78 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 6431 -78 <br />AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE ANNUAL PAY OF <br />POLICEMEN FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1979 <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION I. The 1979 Salary shall be the 1978 Salary base <br />plus an increase of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) effective on <br />January 1, 1979, and another Six Hundred Dollar ($600.00) increase <br />on July 1, 1979, which shall be added to the base salary established <br />for January 1, 1979. Thus, the annual pay of the officers and mem- <br />bers of the Police Department of the City of South Bend for the <br />year 1979, by rank, classification and service years shall be as follows: <br />Police Chiefs . . . . . . . <br />Division Chiefs . . . . . . <br />Captains . . . . . . . . . <br />Lieutenants . . . . . . . . <br />Sergeants . . . . . . . . . <br />Corporal....(Service Years) <br />3 -4 . . . . . . <br />5 . . . . . . <br />6 . . . . . . <br />7 . . . . . . <br />8 . . . . . . <br />9 . . . . . . <br />10 . . . . . . <br />11 . . . . . . <br />12 and above . <br />Patrolman First Class <br />Patrolman . . . . . . . <br />Officer in Training . . . . <br />Effective <br />Effective <br />January 1, 1979 <br />July 1, 1979 <br />. . . . . . $20,450 <br />$21,050 <br />. . . . . . 18,800 <br />19,400 <br />. . . . . . 17,250 <br />17,850 <br />. . . . . . 15,750 <br />16,350 <br />. . . . . . 14,450 <br />15,050 <br />. . . . . . 11,900 <br />12,500 <br />. . . . . . 12,150 <br />12,750 <br />. . . . . . 12,400 <br />13,000 <br />. . . . . . 12,650 <br />13,250 <br />. . . . . . 12,900 <br />13,500 <br />. . . . . . 13,150 <br />13,750 <br />. . . . . . 13,400 <br />14,000 <br />. . . . . 13,650 <br />14,250 <br />. . . . . . 14,150 <br />14,750 <br />. . . . . . 11,250 <br />11,850 <br />. . . . . . 10,600 <br />11,200 <br />. . . . . . 10,100 <br />10,700 <br />Any officer in training shall remain in that status until <br />satisfactory completion of the mandatory law enforcement training <br />program. <br />The first service year for a police officer commences upon <br />his being sworn in as a police officer. The police officer shall <br />obtain his second service year on the next succeeding first day of <br />January until he attains the maximum salary for the particular rank <br />he may hold. <br />SECTION II. In addition to the foregoing annual pay, the <br />officers and members of the Police Department shall receive com- <br />pensation for extra duty and special performance, and the follow- <br />ing benefits: <br />(a) Effective January 1, 1979 if an officer is subpoenaed <br />to court or has to go to court or is required to appear at any <br />given location to validate a complaint or warrant, the officer shall <br />be paid (if off duty) at the rate of time and one -half the officer's <br />hourly rate of pay with minimum of two -hours on the officer's regularly <br />scheduled work day and four -hours on the officer's regularly <br />scheduled day off. In addition, any officers required to work over- <br />time shall be paid at the rate of one and a half times the officer's <br />normal rate of pay with a minimum of two -hours for any overtime be- <br />yond said officer's normal work day schedule. <br />