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Notes <br />1. According to the <br />U.S. Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook <br />(AVMA, 2002) there are more than 60 million pet dogs and nearly <br />cats in the US. ( <br />2. <br />American Pet Products Manufacturers Association Fact Sheet: Indu <br />, ( <br />& Trends <br />3. A hard statistic to pin down, but 30% is the number most ofte <br />control agencies as the high end of the compliance curve. Many c <br />a lower compliance rate. <br />4. According to the 2003/2004 APPMA National Pet Owners Survey, <br />of US households (40.6 million) own at least one dog and 34 perc <br />lion) own at least one cat. ( <br />5. In (Pennsylvania 639 A.2d 1296 Pa.Cmwlth.,1994), <br />Commonwealth v Creighton <br />the appeals court overturned a pet limit and quoted these preced <br />an infringement upon public safety and is not a nuisance cannot be made one by <br />legislative fiat and then prohibited." [Kadash v. City of Willia <br />Commonwealth Ct. 643, 650, 340 A.2d 617, 621 (1975).] Further, " <br />mate legislative goals cannot be pursued by means which stifle fundamental person- <br />al liberty when the goals can be otherwise more reasonably achie <br />Commonwealth v. Sterlace, 24 Pa. Commonwealth Ct. 62, 66, 354 <br />A.2d 27, 29 (1976). For more information, see: <br /> <br />6. by Anna Sadler, <br />Pet Overpopulation Ä A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? <br />Cat Fanciers Association <br />( <br />Included in this article is the following: ÅThe healthy puppy an <br />euthanized on live television as a kick-off to Kim Sturla's orig <br />ing ban proposal sent animal lovers scurrying to their checkbook <br />this tactic is being repeated nationwide.Æ <br />7. <br />The San Mateo County Pet Overpopulation Ordinance: A Legislative <br />, a report from The Animal Council <br />Failure <br />( <br />8. , <br />San Mateo ordinance fails test of time <br /> <br />9. In 1993, a Pennsylvania legislator introduced a bill that call for a <br />Åvoluntary moratoriumÆ on all dog breeding in the state. <br />( <br />#search='breeding%20moratorium') <br />10. AKC Canine Good Citizen program, <br /> <br />11. AKC Companion Animal Recovery program, <br />12. AVID Microchip ID, <br />[ 21 ] <br />© National Animal Interest Alliance, March 2005 <br /> <br />