<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in Regular Session in
<br />the Council Chambers at City Hall, on Monday, November 22, 1965 at 8:13 P.M. , with all members present.
<br />The meeting was called to order by President John L. Hunter, Jr., who presided.
<br />PRESENT: Councilmen Hunter, Allen, Palmer, Wise, Geib, Szymkowiak,
<br />Laven, Smith and Muszynski.
<br />President Hunter welcomed Rovert 0. Laven, flew councilman from the third district.
<br />Mr. Chtis Overgaard introduced Dr. Gehring;: instructor, of the Indiana University Speech class. Dr.
<br />Gehring introduced the members of his class who were present.
<br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend:
<br />Your Committee on the inspection and supervision of the minutes, would respectfully report that they
<br />have inspected the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council and found them correct. They therefore
<br />recommend that the same be approved.
<br />/s/ John L. Hunter, Jr.)
<br />/s/ Janet S. Allen ) Committee
<br />/s/ Richard G. Geib )
<br />Meetings of November 8, 1965 (Regular) and November 13, 1965 (Special).
<br />The report was accepted and placed on file.
<br />Councilman Allen made a motion that the report be accepted. Councilman Palmer seconded the motion.
<br />Motion carried, 8 ayes, 1 nay (Councilman Geib).
<br />We, the undersigned, do :hereby respectfully make application and petition the Common Council of the
<br />City of South Bend, Indiana, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of=the_City of South Bend as hereinafter
<br />requested, and in support of this application, the following facts are shown:
<br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located on the North side of Corby Street at the junction of
<br />Woodcliff Drive and Corby Street in the City of South Bend.
<br />2. The property is owned by Frank J. and Gaylene A. Coussens, Charles F. and Dorothy A. Coussens,
<br />Pail C. and Virginia I. Coussens and Henry J. and Mary Lou Coussens.
<br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows:
<br />From "A" and "A" to "B" and "B"
<br />A part of the South half (2) of the North East One- quarter (4) of Section Five (5),
<br />Township Thirty- seven(37) North, Range at South west corner of the North East Quarter
<br />(4) of Section Five(5), Township Thirty = seven (37) North, Range Three(3) East, thence
<br />running East along the East and West center line of Section Five(5) 344.76 feet; thence
<br />North?I298':95 "feet;thence West 344.1 feet to the North and South center line of Section
<br />Five (5);_ thence South along said North and South center line 1296.8 feet to the place
<br />of beginning, containing 10.262 acres and being Tract No.8 on a Plat of Partition of
<br />South Half (2) of North East Quarter (4) of Section Five (5) Township and Range -
<br />aforesaid.
<br />and Also
<br />A part of the North East Quarter (4) of-Section Number Five(5), Township Number Thirty- seven(37)
<br />North, Range Number Three(3) East, which part is bounded by a line running as follows. viz:
<br />Beginning on the East and West center line of said Section, at a point Two Thousand Sixteen
<br />(2016) feet West of the South East corner of the North East Quarter (4) of said Section
<br />Number Five (5), thence running North Thirteen Hundred One and Ten Hundredths (1301.10)
<br />feet; thence West Three Hundred Thirty -six (336) feet; feet; thence South Twelve Hundred
<br />Ninety-eight-and Ninety Five Hundredths (1298.95).feet to the said center line; thence
<br />East along said center line Three Hundred Thirty -six (336) feet to the place of beginning,
<br />containing Ten and Twenty -seven Thousandths (10.027) acres, more or less, and being
<br />known as Tract Number Seven (7) on a plat of a partition of the South half (z) of the
<br />Northeast Quarter (4) of said Section Number Five (5), Township and Range aforesaid,
<br />located on the North side of Corby Boulevard between Simon Court and Harbor Drive, at
<br />the North end of Woodcliff Drive.
<br />5. It is proposed that the property will be put to the following use and the following
<br />buildings will be constructed . "It is proposed that 260 multi family units, commonly
<br />known-As Town Houses of the same type recently erected by Petitioner on Hickory Road
<br />in the City of Mishawaka, Indiana, and other cities throughout the State will be
<br />erected on the property."
<br />6. Two(2) off street parking spaces per residential unit will be provided.
<br />7. Attached is a copy of: a) the plot plan showing my property and other surrounding properties;
<br />b) names and addresses of all the individuals, firms or corporations owning property within
<br />300 feet of the property sought to be rezoned.
<br />(continued)
<br />