Mr. Edwin L. Davies, City Controller, stated that as a result of deletions and reductions in the proposed budget,
<br />the following changes would occur in the proposed tax rate:
<br />Line 1, Total Budget for 1962 $4,681,046.12 be reduced to $4,671,046.12
<br />Line 2, Necessary expenditures from unexpended appropriations to 12131/61 be reduced from $2,545,001.59 to
<br />$2,543,415.97
<br />Line 5, Total funds required by reduced from $7,226,047.71 to $7,214,462.09
<br />Line 10 Net Amount to be raised for expenses to December 31, 1962 be reduced from $3,872,162.67 to $3,860,577.05
<br />Line 11, Operating Balance to be reduced from $3,872,162.67 to $3,860,577.05
<br />Line 12, Amount to be raised by Tax Levy be reduced from $4,043,335.57 to $4,031,556.65
<br />Proposed Tax Rate to be reduced from.1.785 to 1.7798
<br />Councilman Krueper made a motion that the General Fund be amended as read and go to the Council as favorable.
<br />Councilman Coleman seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Line 2, Necessary expenditures, July 1, 1961 to December 31, 1961 be reduced from $619,338.84 to $592,338.84, a re-
<br />duction of $27,000.00.
<br />Line 5, Total Funds required be reduced from $1,718,718.32 to $1,691,718.32
<br />Line 10, Net Amount required to be raised for expenses to December 31, 1962 be reduced from $112,354.14 to
<br />$85,354.14
<br />Line 11 Operating Balance be reduced from $904,56 to $722.44
<br />Line 12 Amount to be raised by Tax Levy be-reduced from $113,258770 to $86,076.58
<br />Proposed Rate to be reduced from .05 to .038
<br />Councilman Krueper made a motion that the Street and Traffic Fund be amended as read and go to the Council as
<br />favorable. Councilman Allen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />PARK MAINTENANCE FUND will remain the same with a proposed rate of .268.
<br />POLICE PENSION FUND will remain the same with a proposed rate of .123..
<br />FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND will remain the same with a proposed rate of .109
<br />CITY PLAN COMMISSION will remain the same with a proposed rate of .021
<br />Line 1 Total Budget estimate for 1962 be reduced from $150,360.00 to $105,360.00
<br />Line 5, Total Funds required be reduced from $181,360.00 to $136,360.00
<br />Line 10, Net Amount Reqyired to be raised for 1962 be reduced from $117,725.94 to $72,725.94
<br />Line 11 Operating Balance be reduced from $4,593.44 to $4,289.96
<br />Line 12 Amount to be raised by Tax Lwvy be reduced from $122,319.38 to $77,015.90
<br />Proposed rate to be reduced from .054 to .034
<br />Councilman Kroll made a motion that the Urban Redevelopment Commission Fund be amended as read and go to the Council
<br />as favorable. Councilman Allen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE COMMISSION FUND will remain the same with a proposed rate of .005
<br />HOSPITAL FUND will remain the same with a proposed rate of .03
<br />ART ASSOCIATIIN FUND will remain the same with a proposed rate of .005
<br />GENERAL (BOND) FUND will remain the same with a proposed rate of .32'
<br />PARK DISTRICT FUND will remain the same with a proposed rate of .035
<br />URBAN REDEVELOPMENT BOND FUND will remain the same with a proposed rate of .056
<br />BUILDING DEMOLITION, REPAIR & CONTINGENT FUND will remain the same with a proposed rate of .0012
<br />Councilman Kroll made a motion that the Ordinance for the Budget for the year 1962 for the City of South Bend, Ind-
<br />iana, including computation of the tax rate for the General;Fund, The Street and Traffic Fund, The Park Maintenance
<br />Fund, Police Pension Fund, Fireman's Pension Fund, City Plan Commission, Urban Redevelopment Commission, Fair
<br />Employment Practice Commission Fund, Hospital Fund, Art Association Fund, General (Bond) Fund, Park District Fund,
<br />Urban Redevelopment Bond Fund and Building Demolition, Repair and Contingent Fund, be approved and go to the Council
<br />as favorable, as amended. Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Kroll made a motion for a five minute recess. Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Recessed at 10:1613M.RECONVENED AT 10:46 P.M.
<br />City Controller Edwin L. Davies announced that after deletions and deductions in the Budget the Total Tax Rate would
<br />be changed from $2.8512 to $2.813.
<br />Councilman Krueper made a motion to amend the Tax Levy as follows: General Fund, by striking Maintenance 1.785 and
<br />inserting 1.7798, Total by striking 1.785 and inserting 1.7798; Street and Traffic by striking .05 and inserting
<br />.038, Total by striking .05 and inserting .038; Park Maintenance Fund by striking .268 and inserting ..256; Urban
<br />Redevelopment Fund by striking .054 and inserting .034, Total by striking .054 and inserting .034; Urban Redevelop-
<br />ment Bond Fund by striking Debt Payment .045 and inserting .056, Total by striking .045 and inserting .056;
<br />Totals by striking Maintenance 2.4212 and inserting 2.372; Debt Payment by striking .40 and inserting .411, Total
<br />by striking 2.8512 and inserting 2.813. Councilman Coleman seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />I
<br />Councilman Coleman made a motion that the Ordinance, as amended,be approved and go to the Council as favorable.
<br />Councilman Ladewski seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />There being no further business to come before the Committee of the Whole, Councilman Kroll made a motion to adjourn.
<br />