Za Uts UQ1 47, 170V
<br />Line 1 Total Budget Estimate for 1961 be reduced from $54,490.00 to $52,290.00
<br />Line 5 Total Funds Required be reduced from-$75,016.12 to $72,816.12
<br />Line 10 Net amount to be raised to 12/31/61 be reduced from $46,872.22 to $44,672.22
<br />Line 11 Operating Balance to be on hand 1/1/62 be reduced from $4,292.20 to $4,267.66
<br />Line 12 Amounts to be raised by Tax Levy be reduced from $51,164.42 to $48,939.88
<br />Proposed Rate to be reduced from .023 to .022
<br />Urban Redevelopment Commission
<br />Line 1 Total Budget Estimate for 1961 to be reduced from $102,109.00 to $98,609.00
<br />Line 5, Total Funds required be reduced from $165,446.78 to $161,946.78
<br />Line 10 Net amount to be raised for expenses to 12/31/61 to be reduced from $43,084.05 to $39,584.05
<br />Line 11 Operating Balance to be on hand 1/1/62 to be reduced from $8,080.37 to $4,906.75
<br />Line 12 Amount to be raised by Tax Levy to be reduced from $51,164.42 to $44,490.80
<br />Proposed rate to be reduced from .023 to .02
<br />South Bend - St. Joseph County Building Authority
<br />Line 1 Total Budget for 1961 to be reduced from $83,372.00 to $80,372.00
<br />Line 5, Total Funds required to be reduced from $83,372.00 to $80,372.00
<br />Line 10, Net amount to be raised to 12/31/61 to be reduced from $83,372 to $80,372.00
<br />Line 11 Operating Balance to ve on hand 1/1/62 to be reduced from $5,589.00 to $4,160.52
<br />Line 12 Amount to be raised by Tax Levy to be reduced from $88,961.00 to $84,532.52
<br />Proposed Rate to be reduced from .04 to .038
<br />Hospital Fund to remain the same.with a proposed rate of .03.
<br />Art Association Fund to remain the same.with a proposed rate of .005.
<br />General (Bond) Fund to remain the same.with a proposed rate of .32.
<br />Park District Fund to remain the same with a proposed rate of .044.
<br />Urban Redevelopment Bond Fund to remain the same.with a proposed rate of .075.
<br />Building Demolition, Repair & Contingent Fund to remain the same.with a proposed rate of .0023.
<br />Councilman Kroll made a motion that the Ordinance for the Budget for the year 1961 for the City of South Bend,
<br />Indiana, including computation of the tax rate for the Corporation Fund, The Street and Traffic Fund, The Park
<br />Maintenance Fund, Police Pension Fund, Firemen's Pension Fund, City Plan Commission, Urban Redevelopment Commission,
<br />South Bend - St. Joseph County Building Authority, Hospital Fund, Art Association Fund, General (Bond) Fund, Park
<br />District Fund, Urban Redevelopment Bond Fund and Building Demolition, Repair & Contingent Fund; be approved and
<br />go to the Council as favorable, as amended. Councilman Muszynski seconded the motion. Councilman Kroll asked for
<br />a Roll Call Vote. Motion carried by a roll call vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays.
<br />Motion by Councilman Kroll, seconded by Councilman Coleman for a 5 Minute recess. Motion carried. Recessed at 11:401
<br />RECONVENED AT 11:50 P.M.
<br />City Controller announced that after deletions and deductions-in the Budget the Total Tax Rate would be changed
<br />from $2.9513 to $2.8813.
<br />Councilman Kroll made a motion to amend tht Total Tax Levy by striking $2.9513 and inserting $2.88.13. Councilman
<br />Glass Seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />Councilman Kroll then made a motion that the Ordinance, as amended, be approved and go to the Council as favorable.
<br />Councilman Glass seconded the motion. Motion carried.
<br />There being no further business to come before the Committee of the Whole, Councilman Kroll made a motion to adjourn,
<br />Councilman Glass seconded the motion. Motioza carried and the Committee of the Whole Meeting adjourned at 12:04 A.M.
<br />CLERK
<br />