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01-05-59 Council Organizational Meeting Minutes
Common Council
Common Council Meeting Minutes
01-05-59 Council Organizational Meeting Minutes
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City Council - City Clerk
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Council Mtg Minutes
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ORGANIZATION MEETING <br />JANUARY 5, 1959 <br />ruIrAl <br />LOE <br />e it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the Council Chambers in the City <br />all, Monday, January 5, 1959, at 7:33 P.M., with all members present. Mayor Edward F. Voorde called the meeting to <br />rder and thanked the Council for the splendid cooperation given him during the past year. He stated that great <br />hints had been accomplished during 1958 and asked that the Council give him their continued support during the <br />oming year. Mayor Voorde stated that this meeting was held in conformance with Article II, Section 21 of Chapter <br />of the Municipal Code of the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />he following Councilmen were present: Councilmen -at -Large Donald F. Erhardt, Stanley C. Korpal and Albert Tellson; <br />irst District Councilman Julius B. Christman, Jr; Second District Councilman Joseph T. Kroll; Third District <br />ouncilman Walter Glass; Fourth District Councilman William A. Hahn; Fifth District Councilman Walter C. Erler, Sr.; <br />ixth District Councilman Chester Muszynski. <br />[ayor Voorde announced that nominations were now open for President of the Common Council. Councilman Kroll nominate( <br />; ouncilman Stanley C. Korpal for President. Councilman Muszynski seconded the nomination. Councilman Muszynski <br />loved that the nominations be closed. Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. Councilman Christman nominated Council - <br />ian Erler for President. There was no second to the motion. Councilman Muszynski moved that the nominations be <br />1osed. Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. notion carried. Upon roll call, Councilman Kropal received 6 votes, <br />(Councilmen Korpal, Erhardt, Tellson, Kroll, Hahn and Muszynski). Councilman Erler received 3 votes (Councilmen <br />Christman, Glass and Erler). Mr. Korpal was declared the duly elected President of the Common Council, and presentee <br />the gavel by Mayor Voorde. <br />President Korpal then presided and called for nominations for Vice President. <br />Councilman Erler nominated Councilman Erhardt for Vice President. Councilman Glass seconded the motion. Councilm <br />Kroll nominated Councilman Hahn for Vice President. Councilman Muszynski moved that nominations for Vice President <br />be closed. Councilman Kroll seconded the motion. Motion carried. Upon roll Call, Councilman Hahn received 6 vot <br />(Councilmen Korpal, Erhardt, Tellson, Kroll, Hahn and Muszynski) Councilman Erhardt received 3 votes (Councilmen, <br />Erler, Glass and Christman). Councilman Hahn was declared the duly elected Vice President of the Council. <br />President Korpal announced that the members of the Standing Committees would remain as they were named the previous <br />year with the exception that wherever Councilman Carr was a member of a committee, he would be replaced by Council- <br />man Erhardt. <br />Councilman Erhardt thanked the Council for selecting him to serve the unexpired term of Councilman George W. Carr. <br />Councilman Kroll stated that he wished to thank each member of the Council for their cooperation in the various <br />committees. <br />There being no further business before the Council, Councilman Hahn made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Kroll <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried and the Council adjourned at 7:43 P.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />APPROVED: <br />CLERK t PRESIDENT <br />
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