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10-11-71 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
10-11-71 Council Meeting Minutes
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REGULAR MEETING <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (Cont.) <br />RESOLUTIONS (Cont.) <br />RESOLUTION NO. 286 -71 <br />OCTOBER 11, 1971 <br />A RESOLUTION FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION IN ACCOUNT F -264, <br />"LEGAL SERVICES ", IN THE BUDGET OF THE COMMON COUNCIL IN THE <br />AMOUNT OF $600.00, AND THE TRANSFER OF SAID SUM FROM ACCOUNT <br />F -213, "TRAVELING EXPENSES ", ALL BEING WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND, AS AMENDED. <br />WHEREAS, certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption <br />of the existing annual budget, so that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was <br />appropriated in the annual budget for the various functions of City Government to meet such <br />extraordinary conditions; and <br />WHEREAS, additional funds for Account F -264, "Legal Services ", are needed by <br />the Common Council to assure the department's ability to properly perform its functions; and <br />WHEREAS, a surplus exists in another account where it is not needed presently <br />and more specifically as follows, to -wit: <br />$600.00: in Account F -213 designated as "Traveling Expenses ". <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I., That the sum of $600.00 be transferred from Account F -213 "Travel- <br />ing Expenses ", to Account F -264, "Legal Services ", both of said accounts in the Common Council <br />Budget being within the General Fund. <br />/s/ Will <br />Member of <br />m W. Grounds <br />e Common Council <br />A public hearing on this resolution was held at this time. Councilman Grounds said that cities <br />have spent considerable amounts on tax duplication. He felt it was wise to hire legal counsel <br />to investigate such possible duplications and thereby save tax dollars where services are pro- <br />vided only to county residents. He further stated that $750,000.00 is spent for bussing of <br />school children in the county but from which the City receives no benefit. Miss Guthrie ques- <br />tioned the transfer of funds and inquired as to why the City Attorney and his staff could not <br />do this. Mr. Crumpacker replied that this amount would buy a lawyer's time for such investi- <br />gation. He said that his staff was swamped and are doing only about half of the work that <br />really needed doing. He said that there is no additional time available. Council President <br />Laven asked Mr. Crumpacker if he felt this was a worthwhile endeavor; if it had merit. Mr. <br />Crumpacker replied that it does have the potential to save the tax payers money. Councilman <br />Reinke mentioned that the reason this resolution came about was a result of Representative <br />Doyle's appearance before the Council at the previous meeting. In talking with Mr. Doyle he <br />was lead to believe that this investigation could be done for the sum of $500, why the $1,200? <br />Since the City Attorney and his staff have no time to pursue this matter, in lieu of the pro- <br />posed resolution he suggested the amount be changed to read $600; and he made a motion to that <br />effect, seconded by Councilman Craven. Councilman Wise said he would like to know if we were <br />the only city to promote this problem. Councilman Grounds said he thought we were probably the <br />first in Indiana and he referred to Mr. Doyle's reference to cases in Florida and California <br />which were won by the cities. Mr. Crumpacker suggested that the problem be brought to the <br />attention of the State Legislature for legislative change if such duplications were found; or <br />go to court. Councilman Reinke commented that Mr. Doyle presented several avenues where inves- <br />tigations could be made. Councilman Szymkowiak commented that Mr. Doyle said such investiga- <br />tions could be done for $500; but he understood it might be $600 or $750 and once the ball gets <br />rolling it might require even more and, after the initial sum is invested, what is to be done <br />if an additional amount is requested? Council-..President Laven requested a show of hands from <br />all in favor of reducing the resolution amount from $1,200 to $600. Show of hands vote indi- <br />cated 6 ayes and 3 nays. The Resolution was amended to read $600.00. Mr. Laven than asked if <br />there were further questions on the matter. Councilman Craven commented he thought Mr. Doyle <br />had created a situation similar to that of Mr. Nader; he knows the law and he knows we're not <br />going to find anything -- we shouldn't consider the project. Councilman Grounds stated he <br />didn't think Councilman - Craven's statements were fair to Mr. Doyle. He felt Mr. Doyle is trying <br />to help the taxpayer. Nobody else has accomplished anything so far and maybe this will help us; <br />he said he was at least willing to try. Councilman Szymkowiak commented that there is:2 more <br />than one State Representative from.this area and his feeling was that they should get together <br />and try to figure out something for the benefit of the taxpayer; they were elected by the tax- <br />payers so why should we take on the burden of this cost. Councilman Grounds made a motion for <br />the adoption of the resolution as amended, seconded by Councilman Reinke. The resolution was <br />passed by a roll call vote of 6 ayes (Councilmen Laven, Allen, Reinke, Grounds, Palmer and <br />Zielinski), 3 nays (Councilmen Craven, Szymkowiak and Wise), 0 absent. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />ri <br />
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