<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in Annexation
<br />Committee Session in the County -City Building in the Council Chambers on June 7, 1971, at 7 :40 P.
<br />is
<br />Council President Laven opened the meeting stating that this/ a Public Hearing on annexations. He
<br />introduced the council members, City Clerk, her deputies and Mr. Lloyd Taylor, Sanitation Engineer,
<br />who was to make the presentation on the annexations. Mr. Taylor was asked to go into the theory
<br />of annexation and how it relates to the total growth of the city. Council President'Laven stated
<br />the first annexation to be heard was generally described as lying north of Edison Rd. & West of IR rs„
<br />Mr. Taylor stated that annexation is a highly emotional thing and that very few people can log'--Lan
<br />cally discuss it; that many feel it is a conspiracy against them and that it is a power grab.
<br />The City has many problems to solve, the greatest being the solution of its tax base structure.
<br />Two very important departments are the police and fire organizations that comprise the largest
<br />share of the budget paid from the general tax levy. In order to attract industries into the City,
<br />municipal services must be present. We must structure them for some future massive plan and the
<br />cost of these services should be shared by everyone who uses them. The central core of the City
<br />is filled with lower income families who can take advantage of city conveniences offered while
<br />the higher income families can afford to pay for the conveniences so they move to the suburbs.
<br />Reference was made by Mr. Taylor to the laws of annexation in Burns Indiana Statutes No. 48 -717,
<br />Annexation of Lands by Separate Ordinance Not Defining Corporate Boundaries and No. 48 -722, Hear-
<br />ing On Appeal. On a recent Judgment, The Appellate Court upheld annexation of a tract of land
<br />under remonstrance.
<br />Mr. Russell Jacoby, 18209 E. Edison Rd., South Bend, spokesman for the majority of the audience,
<br />berated the quality of the water he had to purchase from the City and gave the Councilmen a sampl
<br />of rusty city water. He said their firemen were very good and felt they ha4aR9 need for city fire
<br />men. He ended his remarks with a very emphatic statement that they do.not /to be annexed to the
<br />City whereupon the audience applauded. Mrs. Ann Johnson, 1335 Sunnymede St., South Bend,said she
<br />is living temporarily in South Bend and maintains a permanent home on Harrington Drive. She ex-
<br />pressed her discontent with the rusty city water, praised the township firemen and felt no need
<br />for city firemen and further police protection, but did need it in the City. She expressed con-
<br />cern of the possible destruction of the natural wooded surroundings if annexed. Mr. Taylor ex-
<br />plained that the City gets their water supply from exactly the same place the citizens do; the
<br />supply being in a 100 -ft strata; that the city is required to chlorinate it and the individual
<br />does not. Water must be supplied to the firemen; when it remains in the mains too long, the iron
<br />has a tendency to precipitate out. He advised that people could continue to use their present
<br />facilities but when they needed replacement, they would have to connect to the City. Mr. Jacoby
<br />requested a continuance on this annexation. Various questions were answered by the Councilmen.
<br />Council President Laven entertained a motion to terminate the hearing at this point for a short
<br />recess. Councilman Allen so moved, seconded by Councilman Reenke. Motion carried. Time: 9:18 PM
<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, reconvened in the
<br />Council Chambers at 9:25 P. M. Council President Laven requested that hearings be continued; the
<br />next one would be the one generally described as being bounded by Liberty Highway (Ind. #23), Sout
<br />01ive --- Stx-p—et,_ West Ewing Avenue and Street.
<br />Mr. Lloyd Taylor, City Engineer, gave some pertinent statistics: 18 acres, 36 residential units,
<br />2 commercial uses, population 115, .73 miles of streets, estimated tax revenue $5,244.87. Esti-
<br />mated cost for police, street & traffic, street lighting, sanitation, park, sewer and governmental
<br />overhead would be $7,851. Council President Laven inquired if anyone would like to speak on this
<br />ordinance. Councilman_ Red why we were considering this annexation when the expenses were
<br />greater than the revenue. Mr. Taylor replied it was mostly for an orderly annexation, possible
<br />future expansion and the trailer court might need sewers. Couneil President Laven noted that
<br />there was no one present to speak on the ordinance.
<br />Council President Laven stated the third hearing was the annexation generally described as Ken-
<br />sington Farms Subdivision, Section 3, Part.2,and Other Lands. Mr. Taylor gave the following sta-
<br />tistics: 29.4 acres, 37 residential units, 120 population, .78 miles of streets, anticipated tax
<br />revenue $19,223. Estimated total cost summary for police, street & traffic, street lights, sani-
<br />tation, parks and governmental overhead $7,700. Robert Zimmerman, attorney for the residents of
<br />the area, wished to clarify a point made earlier by Mr. Taylor that.although the Appellate Court
<br />had upheld a previous adjoining annexation, the case is now in the Supreme Court and they had not
<br />received the final word as yet. He referred to Ordinance No. 5011 -68 adopted after considerable
<br />discussion in 1968 containing the provision that for a period of 3 years after annexation, one
<br />half of all municipal property taxes to be imposed be put in a special fund solely for the bene-
<br />fit of such annexed territory. Mr. Zimmerman requested that a similar provision be incorporated
<br />for this annexation.
<br />Council President Laven said the fourth hearing was on an area generally known as Greenbrook Es-
<br />tates Mobile Home Park on Mayflower Rd. Mr. Taylor gave the following statistics: 88 acres, 100
<br />mobile homes at present time, 232 future, 8.7 acres zoned commercial use, present population 250,
<br />future 580, present anticipated revenue $10,404, future $34,406. Estimated total cost summary
<br />for police, street lights, parks and governmental overhead $7,700 present, $17,138uture. He sai,
<br />the owners had agreed not to remonstrate against annexation when they had petitions or water and
<br />sewers.
<br />Councilman Reinke made a motion that a r _.be__.made to the Council at the June 14 regular
<br />meeting, seconded by Councilman Craven. Motion carried.
<br />Council President Laven entertained a motion for adjournment, Councilman Allen so moved, seconded
<br />by Councilman Reinke. Motion carried. Time: 10:10 P. M.
<br />