<br />We, the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition the Common Council
<br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South Bend, India
<br />as hereinafter requested, and in support of this application, the following facts are shown:
<br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at: 732 W. Washington Ave.
<br />744 W. Washington Ave. and
<br />114 South Chapin Street, South
<br />Bend, Indiana.
<br />2. The property is owned by: Peter F. Nemeth
<br />Nemeth Memorial Funeral Home, Inc.
<br />Peter F. Nemeth and Margaret K. Nemeth.
<br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows:
<br />A part of Bank Out Lot No. 39 as shown on the First Plat of Out Lots of the Town, now City
<br />of South Bend, platted by the State Bank of Indiana, which part is bounded by a line running
<br />as follows, viz: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Bank Out Lot No. 39; thence running
<br />East on the North line thereof 92.84 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of the lot of
<br />land now owned by Matilda O'Brien; thence South on the West line of said O'Brien Lot, 145 feet
<br />to the Northeast corner of a lot now owned by William D. O'Brien and Katherine O'Brien, husband
<br />and wife; thence West on the North line of said O'Brien Lot, 92.84 feet to the East line of
<br />Chapin Street in said City; thence North on said line, 145 feet to the place of beginning.
<br />Excepting therefrom the following described real estate: Part-of the North 145.0 feet of the
<br />West 92.84 feet of Bank Out Lot Thirty -nine (39) described as follows: Beginning on the West
<br />line of Bank Out Lot 39, 126.52 feet South of the Northwest corner of Bank Out Lot 39; thence
<br />North 126.52 feet along said West line to said Northwest corner of Bank Out Lot 39; thence
<br />Southwesterly 127.27 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 683.20 feet and subtended
<br />by a long chord having a length of 127.04 feet to the point of beginning, containing 497 square
<br />feet, more or less.
<br />A part of Bank Out Lot Numbered Thirty -nine (39) of the First Plat of Out Lots of the Town,
<br />now City of South Bend, platted by the State Bank of Indiana, which part is bounded by a line
<br />running as follows, viz: Beginning at the North East corner of said Bank Out Lot Numbered 39,
<br />thence running West on the North Line thereof, a distance of 55 feet; thence South 145 feet;
<br />thence East 55 feet; thence North on the East line of said Bank Out Lot, 145 feet to the place
<br />of beginning.
<br />A part of Bank Out Lot Numbered 39 of the First Plat of Out Lots of the Town, now City, of
<br />South Bend, platted by the State Bank of Indiana, bounded by a line running as follows, viz:
<br />Beginning on the East line of Chapin Street in said City, 200 feet South of the North West
<br />corner of said Bank Out Lot Numbered 39, thence running South on the East line of Chapin Street
<br />a distance of 3.68 feet to a point '92 feet North of the South West corner of said Bank Out Lot
<br />Numbered 39, thence East on a line parallel with the South line of said Bank Out Lot a distance
<br />of 97.84 feet; thence North 3.68 feet; thence West 5 feet; thence North 55 feet; thence West
<br />92.84 feet to a point on the East.line of said Chapin Street, 55 feet North of the place of
<br />beginning; thence South on said East line 55 feet to the place of beginning.
<br />Also, beginning at a point 32 feet North of the South East Corner of said Bank Out Lot Numbered
<br />39, thence running North on the East line of said Bank Out Lot a distance of 75.68 feet to the
<br />South East corner of a tract heretofore conveyed to Willard W. Ridenour and Grace W. Ridenour,
<br />husband and wife, by Warranty Deed dated June 15th, 1926, recorded in Deed Record 197 page 644
<br />in the office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana, said point being 188 feet South
<br />of the North East corner of said Bank Out Lot Numbered 39; thence West 55 feet to the South West
<br />corner of said Ridenour tract; thence South 12 feet; thence East 5 feet; thence South 63.68 feet
<br />to a point 32 feet North of the South line of said Bank Out Lot Numbered 39; thence East 50 feet
<br />to the place of beginning.
<br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned:
<br />From B Residential Use and B Height and Area District.
<br />To C Commercial Use and D Height and Area District.
<br />5. It is proposed that the property will be put to the following use and the following building
<br />will be constructed: A modern 3 -stall service station building with necessary appurtenances
<br />will be constructed on property to replace antiquated existing structures. Petitioned property
<br />will be used for service station parking.
<br />6. Number of off street parking spaces to be provided: 16 spaces.
<br />