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REGULAR MEETING <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, met in the Council <br />Chambers in City Hall on Monday, July 28, 1969 at 9:03 p.m., all members present. The meeting <br />was called to order by President Robert 0. Laven, who presided. <br />PRESENT: Councilmen Laven, Allen, Craven, Grounds <br />Szymkowiak, Wise, Zielinski,Reinke and Palmer. <br />ABSENT: None. <br />CITIZENS REQUESTS - MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS <br />Mayor Lloyd M. Allen addressed the Council in presenting his budget and said that despite <br />substantial increases in the budget over 1969, the City still is asking only for minimums in funds <br />to accomplish important goals. He said the budget contains funds for the establishment of a <br />central relocation office for families displaced by renewal projects, but contains no additional <br />funds for solving the critical water pollution and flood control problems or for trash removal. <br />REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MINUTES <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your committee on the inspection and supervision of the minutes, would respectfully report that <br />they have inspected the minutes of the Special Meeting of July 7, 1969 meeting of the Council and <br />found them correct. They therefore recommend that the same be approved. <br />/s/ Robert 0. Laven <br />/s/ Janet S. Allen <br />/s/ Albert E. Palmer <br />There being no objections, the report was accepted as read and placed on file. <br />REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON MINUTES <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your committee on the inspection and supervision of the minutes, would respectfully report that <br />they have inspected the minutes of July 14, 1969 meeting of the Council and found them correct. <br />They therefore recommend that the same be approved. <br />/s/ Robert 0. Laven <br />/s/ Janet S. Allen <br />/s/ Albert E. Palmer <br />There being no objections, the report was accepted as read and placed on file. <br />REPORT FROM COMMITTEE OF FINANCE <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Committee, the Committee of Finance, to whom was referred "AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEFRAYING THE EXPENSES OF ALL BUDGET OPERATED DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1970, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1970, <br />INCLUDING ALL OUTSTANDING CLAIMS AND OBLIGATIONS, AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL TAKE EFFE <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion the Ordinance <br />receive First and Second Reading on July 28, 1969, be legally advertised and set for Public <br />Hearing on August 25, 1969. <br />/s/ Robert 0. Laven, Chairman <br />/s/ Fredrick D. Craven, Co- Chairman <br />There being no objections, the report was accepted as read and placed on file. <br />