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Honey Bee Keeping Regulations Ordinance <br />Page 2 <br />&Add by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as <br />follows: <br />Section I. Chapter 5, Article 3, Section 5 -15 (a) and (d) of the South Bend Municipal Code are <br />amended to read as follows with all other said provisions remaining in effect: <br />Sec. 5 -15. Acreage Requirements for Certain Domestic Animals <br />(a) Any person desiring to raise any of the following named domestic animals or fowl <br />must have a minimum of five (5) contiguous acres in land: <br />(7) Bees. Reserved. <br />Section II. Chapter 5 of the South Bend Municipal Code shall be amended by the inclusion of <br />new Article 10 which shall read in its entirety as follows: <br />Article 10. Honey Bee Keening Regulations! <br />Sec. 5 -50 Legislative Findings. <br />(a) The Common Council finds that honey bees can be maintained within populated <br />areas without causing, a nuisance, if honey bees are properly located, managed, and maintained. <br />(b) Honey bees are a benefit to societyby pollinating flowers, gardens and trees and <br />thereby contributing to the local ecosystem; as well as furnishing hey, wax and other useful products. <br />(c) The regulations set forth in this Article are in the best interests of the health, safetX <br />' Indiana Code § 14- 24 -2 -4 sets forth the duties for the Division Director in the protection and development of the bee and <br />honey industry in the State of Indiana. <br />Mm <br />s <br />Section II. Chapter 5 of the South Bend Municipal Code shall be amended by the inclusion of <br />new Article 10 which shall read in its entirety as follows: <br />Article 10. Honey Bee Keening Regulations! <br />Sec. 5 -50 Legislative Findings. <br />(a) The Common Council finds that honey bees can be maintained within populated <br />areas without causing, a nuisance, if honey bees are properly located, managed, and maintained. <br />(b) Honey bees are a benefit to societyby pollinating flowers, gardens and trees and <br />thereby contributing to the local ecosystem; as well as furnishing hey, wax and other useful products. <br />(c) The regulations set forth in this Article are in the best interests of the health, safetX <br />' Indiana Code § 14- 24 -2 -4 sets forth the duties for the Division Director in the protection and development of the bee and <br />honey industry in the State of Indiana. <br />