le at
<br />JANUARY 27, 1969
<br />JANUARY 27, 1969
<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana met in the
<br />Council Chambers in City Hall on Monday, January 27, 1969, at 8:38 p.m., eiglt members
<br />present, one absent. The meeting was called to order by Council- President, Robert 0. Laven,
<br />who presided.
<br />Present: Councilmen Laven, Allen, Craven, Reinke, Grounds,
<br />Szymkowiak, Palmer and Zielinski.
<br />Absent: Councilman Wise
<br />Your Committee on the inspection and supervision of the minutes, would respectfully report
<br />that they have inspected the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council and found them
<br />correct. They therefore recommend that the same be approved.
<br />/s/ Robert O. Laven
<br />/s/ Janet S. Allen
<br />/s/ Albert E. Palmer
<br />Minutes of meeting of January 13, 1969
<br />Council- President Laven announced that the meeting was open at this time to anyone present
<br />who wished to be heard. There were no requests.
<br />(We), the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition the
<br />Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana to amend the Zoning Ordinance of said city
<br />as hereinafter requested, and in support of this application, the following facts are shown:
<br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at 731 Rose Street, South Bend
<br />Indiana, consists of approximately three (3) acres of ground of a dog leg
<br />geography bounded on the East by Riverside Drive, on the South by the River-
<br />side Apartment complex, on the West by Cushing Street and on the North by a
<br />line of utility poles constituting public utility easement. The East boundary
<br />also consists partially of a North South alley, which is non existent on the
<br />ground but shows on the plat of the property and partially on the North by the
<br />South boundary of Rose Street.
<br />2. The property is owned by Stephen G. Boskey and Velma A. Boskey, husband and wife,
<br />Harry R. Robe and Phyllis Robe, husband and wife, and William H. Dunfee and
<br />William E. Ramsey, as Tenants in common,
<br />Arnold Golden, Optionee
<br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows:
<br />Lot Numbered 225 as shown on the recorded Third Plat of North West Addition to
<br />the City of South Bend, together with the North one -half of the vacated alley
<br />lying South of and adjacent to said lot and the vacated 14 feet alley lying
<br />East of and adjacent to said lot.
<br />Also Lots Numbered 228 and 235 as shown on the recorded Third Plat of North
<br />West Addition to the City of South Bend, as recorded in Plat Book 9, page 60
<br />of the records of St. Jeseph County, Indiana.
<br />Also-a part of the North fraction of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35, Township
<br />38 North, Range 2 East, described as follows: Beginning at a point 1092 feet
<br />East and 113 feet North of the Southwest corner of the North Half of said North
<br />fraction of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35, (which beginning point is 14
<br />feet East of the Northeast corner of Lot Numbered 225 as shown on the Third Plat
<br />of North West Addition to the City of South Bend as recorded in Plat Book 9,
<br />page 60 of the records of St. Joseph County, Indiana); thence South 135 feet;
<br />thence East 166 feet to the Westerly line of Riverside Drive, as now located;
<br />thence Northeasterly, along the Westerly line of said Riverside Drive, to a
<br />point on the South line of Rose Street, as now located, due East of the place
<br />of beginning; thence West to the place of beginning, and being known as Lot Number -
<br />ed226 on a proposed plat of North West Addition to the City of South Bend.
<br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned:
<br />From "A" Residential Use and "A" Height and Area District
<br />To "B" Residential Use and "G" Height and Area District
<br />