<br />Section II - C Line 30
<br />After "thereof" insert "located within the territorial limits of the City
<br />of South Bend, Indiana,"
<br />Section II - D Line 34
<br />Delete "REAL ESTATE BROKER." and insert "AGENT." Delete "Real
<br />Estate" and insert "Agent"
<br />Line 35
<br />Delete "Broker".
<br />Line 36
<br />Delete "for" and insert "with or without"
<br />Section II - G After Line 46
<br />Insert new section, as follows: "G. PERSONS. The term "person"
<br />or "persons" includes one or more individuals, partnerships, associa-
<br />tions, organizations, corporations, cooperatives, legal representatives,
<br />trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, receivers, lending institutions, and
<br />other organized groups of persons."
<br />Section II - H After II -G
<br />Insert new section, as follows: "H. COMPLAINANT. The term "com-
<br />plainant" means any individual charging on his own behalf to have been
<br />personally aggrieved by a discriminatory practice in connection with a
<br />housing accommodation."
<br />Section III - A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H
<br />Delete entire Section III in its entirety and, in its place, insert the
<br />following:
<br />"A. It shall be unlawful for any owner and /or agent for
<br />owner, or any other person or persons:
<br />"I. To publish or circulate, or cause to be published or circu-
<br />lated, any notice, statement or advertisement, or to adopt a policy
<br />or to use any form of application for the purchase, lease, rental or
<br />financing of a housing accommodation which expresses directly or
<br />indirectly any limitation or discrimination as to race, color, religion,
<br />or national origin or ancestry.
<br />"2. To discriminate in the sales price or rent of any housing
<br />accommodation.
<br />"3. To discriminate or participate in discrimination in connection
<br />with the lending, guaranteeing of loans, or the making available of funds
<br />for the purchase, acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, or improve-
<br />ment of any housing accommodation.
<br />"4. To solicit for sale, or lease any housing accommodation,
<br />or distribute, or cause to be distributed, written representation with
<br />the specific intent of inducing any owner of any housing accommodation
<br />to sell or lease his or her property because of the alleged loss of
<br />value of property because of the anticipated presence of persons of any
<br />particular race, color, religion or national origin or ancestry in any
<br />neighborhood.
<br />"5. To refuse to sell or rent, or to refuse in the showing or
<br />making available for inspection, any housing accommodation to a
<br />prospective buyer or renter because of race, color, religion, national
<br />origin or ancestry.
<br />"6. To participate in a transaction for the acquisition or financing
<br />of a housing accommodation where the purpose of such is to obtain
<br />information upon which a complaint could be filed before the Commission,
<br />or to seek a housing accommodation for one who is physically able to
<br />represent himself and a complaint is thereafter filed."
<br />Section IV - A and B
<br />Delete entire Section IV in its entirety and, in its place, insert the
<br />following:
<br />"The provisions of this ordinance as outlined in Section III,
<br />5., shall not apply to rental property used as an housing accommodation,
<br />to include a dwelling house, apartment building or multiple facility of any
<br />sort, in which such rental property is occupied by an owner and when such
<br />property contains less than four housing unit$."
<br />Section V - A Line 107
<br />Delete "agent," and insert "owner and /or agent for"
<br />