<br />asked what particular case the Council was referring to. No particular instance was mentioned.
<br />Mr. Roemer stated that he could not find any particular law that says that type of an ordinance
<br />should not be passed. He felt this was a matter of opinion as Mr. Chapleau had previously stated.
<br />Mr. Roemer indicated that the statutes also set further powers as being vested to the Mayor regard :
<br />fixing salaries. The Council is to generally appropriate the money and oversee. He felt that som
<br />"high- powered" executives could be lost to the city if the Mayor did not have that authority. He
<br />wondered about the general intent of the legislature in designating authority. He talked about th
<br />possibility of problems occurring in the area of federal funds. In the manpower area, if there wa
<br />money appropriated for summer jobs, the federal government could enter into a contract with the
<br />city and give the city a certain amount of money. He felt the city might be in a position to have
<br />to turn down the funds if the proposed ordinance was passed. He expressed concern about the feder
<br />government having a say in setting the salaries. He felt the executive branch of government shoul
<br />be able to have that authority and be responsible for hiring, firing and setting salaries. He als
<br />felt the Council's ordinance only affected a few people and there were many questions pertaining t
<br />the ordinance. He hoped that federal grants would not be jeopardized because of the ordinance.
<br />Councilman Kopczynski stated that Mr. Lennon was the Director of the Department of Redevelopment.
<br />He wondered why Mr. Lennon did not get paid from the Redevelopment monies. He wondered about the
<br />701 Planning Grant. Mr. Lennon stated that his total salary from the City of South Bend, and he
<br />interjected that he receives no other funds from the city, was $18,200. He received $5,799.96
<br />from the 701 Planning Grant for a total of $23,100.04.. He stated that Redevelopment pays three -
<br />fourths of his salary. Councilman Kopczynski wondered why this was not included in the printout o
<br />the salaries of employees. Mr. Lennon explained that he had worked for Model Cities for four year
<br />which had been covered by PERF (for pension purposes). When he came to Redevelopment, there was
<br />no PERF and he had received an option to be a city employee in order not to lose his four years
<br />with Model Cities. Council President Nemeth stated that, if that was the case, the Council would
<br />have the authority over the salary because it was city -paid. He requested a copy of the 701 Plann :
<br />Grant contract, and Mr. Lennon indicated that a copy had been furnished the Council; however, he
<br />would furnish Council President Nemeth with an updated copy. Mr. Kevin Butler, the attorney repre-
<br />senting the Redevelopment Commission, indicated that he was present to answer questions pertaining
<br />to the commission should any arise. Mr. William Hojnacki, Director of the Department of Human
<br />Resources and Economic Development, expressed concern over the manpower program. He did not under-
<br />stand what would happen when the ordinance went into effect. He hoped Congress would make addi-
<br />tional employment funds available to the city. He stated that the manpower program was administer
<br />through the State Department and must be approved by the review board, the Michiana Area Council o
<br />Governments, and then submitted to the Manpower Advisory Council. He wanted an opportunity to
<br />closely review the ordinance as far as it related to the manpower program. Councilman Parent aske
<br />if the manpower program had responsibility for areas outside the City of South Bend, and Mr. Hojna '.
<br />indicated that the program was going from a four - county role into just a City of South Bend role.
<br />Mrs. Janet Allen, 125 West Marion Street, stated that the Mayor sets the salaries but that the
<br />Council is the body which votes on the salaries. She stated that this was also true of the police-
<br />men and firemen. She stated that salaries for Model Cities employees have been reviewed,' and the
<br />Mayor is perfectly free to hire anyone once the salary has been approved by the Council. She
<br />stated that anyone in line for a city pension must be considered a city employee. She did not
<br />feel the federal government should be allowed to set salaries at will because in most programs,
<br />the city must pay a portion. Councilman Miller stated that, in the 701 Planning Grant, there are
<br />non - federal contributions. Mr. Lennon agreed. Councilman Miller wondered if it was the power of
<br />the Mayor to authorize an expenditure without authorization of the Council. He stated that in -kin
<br />contributions were paid by the city. He indicated that he had a copy of the contract dated
<br />November 1, 1972. He wondered if the corporate city included the Mayor and Council, and he stated
<br />that the grant was given to the City of South Bend. Mr. Roemer indicated that he was not sure how
<br />the legal entity was defined. Councilman Miller stated that the corporate city would include the
<br />Mayor and Common Council. Council President Nemeth stated that the Mayor and Council are the
<br />corporate officers of the city. Councilman Miller stated that the 701 Planning Grant dated
<br />November 1, 1972, defines the planning agency as the City of South Bend and the Mayor had signed
<br />the contract. The format is to provide administration for the Mayor's staff, citizen participatio
<br />coordination and a housing component, the latter he indicated that he found interesting. He felt
<br />the Mayor and Common Council made up the City of South Bend and this was a contract case. He
<br />stated that it was mentioned the 701 Planning Grant was not included under the ordinance. He felt
<br />it was. Mr. Chapleau stated that the planning agency referred to in the grant was the City of
<br />South Bend and the statutes provide that a separate tax levy can be established. He stated that
<br />the Common Council passes on the budget. He indicated that he was not talking about the relocatio
<br />officers because the salaries are set by the Redevelopment Commission. Council President Nemeth
<br />wondered about the 701 Planning Grant. Mr. Chapleau stated that the grant he had access to was
<br />made specifically between the Department of Redevelopment and the federal government. It was
<br />indicated that it was possible Mr. Chapleau did not have the particular contract being discussed.
<br />Councilman Miller wondered about a check - and - balance on salaries if the Mayor sets salaries for
<br />federal funds and it was under a contract with a federal agency. Mr. Roemer stated that the overa
<br />budget would come to the Council for review. Councilman Miller asked that, assuming that federal
<br />funds are coming in under one type of grant or another and an administrative budget is set up, how
<br />the city prevented the possibility under manpower of being involved in patronage. Mr. Roemer
<br />suggested that, if the Council has a concern over a certain salary, the Council need simply reques
<br />the information and request a justification of that salary. It was indicated that no specific
<br />salary was being questioned. Mr. Hojnacki stated that the city is under specific regulations as
<br />far as the people employed and certain procedures must be adhered to. Councilman Parent stated
<br />that, to his knowledge, all employees that receive federal funds cannot be involved in politics.
<br />He stated that the ordinance, in principle, was fine. He felt that many questions were raised
<br />regarding the ordinance, and he wondered how many people would be affected by the proposed
<br />ordinance. He suggested that the ordinance be tabled. Council President Nemeth stated that, if
<br />there are so many federal requirements to follow, he could not see why one more requirement would
<br />make any difference.
<br />Councilman Taylor made a motion to amend the ordinance by adding the following phrase "except as
<br />otherwise provided by law" to Section I, seconded by Councilman Miller. The motion carried.
<br />Councilman Serge stated that this issue had come up over a year ago, and he was under the impressi
<br />that the Council did not have authority over federally funded employees. He stated that the feder,
<br />employees do receive more money than the city employees.
<br />Councilman Miller made a motion that the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, as amended,
<br />seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The motion carried.
<br />