<br />kept dumping the trash there. He indicated that perhaps the approach was not tough enough.
<br />Councilman Parent talked about the problems dealing with removal of trash. He stated that there
<br />have been cases where a certain area has been cleaned and shortly after trash accumulates again.
<br />He stated that the citizens must do their part and some have not. He did not feel that, in these
<br />instances, the officials should be blamed.
<br />Mr. Phillip Barkley, a St. Joseph County Councilman, residing in German Township, wondered if the
<br />fiscal plan was available for the new proposed annexation ordinance in German Township. He asked
<br />if a timetable for municipal services was available. Council President Nemeth indicated that the
<br />law requires these items be available, and he stated that copies were available in the Department
<br />of Public Works. Mr. David Wells, Manager of the Bureau of Design and Administration, suggested
<br />that the copies be distributed through the office of the City Clerk. Mrs. Irene K. Gammon, City
<br />Clerk, requested that a copy be furnished to her and she would be happy to distribute the necessary
<br />copies to whoever requested them.
<br />Mr.
<br />of
<br />an
<br />James Roemer, City Attorney, asked about the status of the referral to the Ordinance Committee
<br />the Chippewa Street rezoning. Council President Nemeth indicated that the committee was awaiti
<br />appraisal report, at which time the matter would come out of committee.
<br />Councilman Parent made a motion that the proposed bike ordinance (ordinance amending Chapter 20,
<br />Vehicles and Traffic) which was set for public hearing and second reading on March 25, 1974, be
<br />set for 6:00 p.m., rather than the regular meeting time of 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman
<br />Taylor. The motion carried.
<br />Councilman Kopczynski made a motion that the annexation ordinance for portions of German, Portage
<br />and Clay Townships, which was referred to committee on November 26, 1973, be set for public heari
<br />and second reading on March 25, 1974, at 6:OO p.m., seconded by Councilman Parent. The motion
<br />carried.
<br />Mrs. Irene K. Gammon, City Clerk, indicated that she had received a veto message from Mayor Miller
<br />on the rezoning at the corner of George and Osborne Streets, which rezoning was passed by the
<br />Council at the February 25, 1974, meeting. Councilman Parent asked Mr. James Roemer, City Attorne:
<br />to briefly summarize the legal opinion attached to the veto. Mr. Roemer did so, indicating that
<br />the courts have been split in determining whether conditional zoning is a proper exercise of power
<br />because it is a condition subsequent, the ordinance is vague and not specific, and it could be
<br />argued it is a variance. Council President Nemeth stated that there was nothing illegal about the
<br />amendment the Council had made. Mr. Roemer stated that there are reservations as to its legality,
<br />and Council President Nemeth stated that the Council's attorney could not find anything illegal an
<br />that the ordinance was not over the Council's power to rezone. He wondered why the City Attorney
<br />felt the ordinance was vague as he felt it was specific. Councilman Miller felt there were always
<br />legal arguments involved. He felt this was the judgment of the Council and, if proven illegal in
<br />court, that would be the final decision. Councilman Miller made a motion to override the Mayor's
<br />veto and pass the ordinance, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. Councilman Parent stated that he
<br />opposed the passage of the.ordinance because of the location of the sign in a residential area.
<br />He felt there was a question of the legality of the ordinance as stated by the City Attorney. He
<br />was concerned about the erection of the billboard in a residential neighborhood. Councilman
<br />Newburn stated that most of the homes adjacent to the property in question were vacant. Council
<br />President Nemeth also pointed out that there were other signs already in the area. Councilman
<br />Kopczynski stated that the billboard area would be landscaped and would look much better than at
<br />,the present time. He felt the sign would be an asset to the area. The motion carried by a roll
<br />call vote of six ayes (Councilmen Miller, Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Newburn and Nemeth) and two
<br />nays (Councilmen Serge and Parent) with Councilman Szymkowiak absent.
<br />Councilman Newburn made a motion to schedule the next meeting of the Council for March 25, 1974, a
<br />6:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The motion carried.
<br />There being no further business to come before the Council, unfinished or new, Councilman Taylor
<br />made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilman Horvath. The motion carried,
<br />and the meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
<br />Shortly after adjournment, the question arose concerning the location of the next Council meeting,
<br />at which time Councilman Newburn made a motion to reconvene the meeting, seconded by Councilman
<br />Taylor. The motion carried and the meeting reconvened at approximately 10:00 p.m., with eight
<br />members present. Councilman Kopczynski felt the meeting should be held at the Morris Civic
<br />Auditorium because of the public hearing on the German Township annexation and the fact that the
<br />Clay annexation passed in June, 1973, was held at the auditorium in order to accommodate the
<br />public. Councilman Newburn made a motion that the next meeting of the Common Council to be ,held
<br />on March 25, 1974, at 6:00 p.m., be held at the Morris Civic Auditorium and, if not available,
<br />the meeting would be held in the Council Chambers, seconded by Councilman Taylor. The motion
<br />carried.
<br />There being no. further business to come before the Council, unfinished or new, Councilman Miller
<br />made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilman Newburn. The motion carried,
<br />and the meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
<br />ATTEST:
<br />poll
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