<br />certain agencies. South Bend, Elkhart County and St. Joseph County are eligible locations. Mr.
<br />Kelzenberg stated that this move has been anticipated and a comprehensive manpower delivery system
<br />was organized. He referred to an administration chart for the South Bend program. He briefly
<br />talked about the positions of Outreach Workers and Job Development Specialists. He stated that the
<br />principal target for the manpower dollars would be the long -term unemployed and his efforts would
<br />be directed to those who have severe disadvantages. Councilman Miller wondered about the number of
<br />people involved, and Mr. Kelzenberg stated that he was trying to reduce the administrative overhead
<br />There has been no final determination as to the number of workers and specialists. Councilman
<br />Miller asked about the amount of money coming in, and Mr. Kelzenberg answered that it involved a
<br />federal formula which was based on the following: 50% of the money received last year, 37% of the
<br />number of unemployed and 12% of the number of families earning below $7,000 annually. Councilman
<br />Miller wondered how many slots would be available. Mr. Kelzenberg indicated that he did not want
<br />to talk about the slots available but that he was talking about dollars for service and hoped that
<br />90% could be put into services. He stated that some jobs would be created. Councilman Miller aske
<br />about the administrative cost proposal, and Mr. Kelzenberg stated that this structure was not
<br />available at the present time. He indicated that the grant at present is $70,000 from the C.A.M.P.
<br />Program (Cooperative Area Manpower Planning). He stated that this was federal money distributed in
<br />South Bend with South Bend the receiving agent. Councilman Miller wondered who reviewed the expens
<br />for the program, and Mr. Kelzenberg indicated that the Controller's Office was responsible for that
<br />Council President Nemeth stated that all appropriations for salaries must be made by the Common
<br />Council. He wondered if Mr. Kelzenberg was aware of that. Mr. Kelzenberg indicated that the grant
<br />funds are exclusively for manpower planners. He stated that the only funds expended are supplies,
<br />travel and salaries. Council President Nemeth asked Mr. Kelzenberg who had informed him that the
<br />Controller's Office reviewed and approved the matter. Mr. Walter Lantz, Deputy Controller,
<br />indicated that he wanted to clarify the situation. He stated that the Controller's Office only
<br />provides the proper audit trail for the State Board of Accounts and federal audits. The money
<br />must be appropriated through the Common Council. Council President Nemeth asked if the money would
<br />be coming back through the Council, and Mr. Lantz stated that this was a federal grant and does not
<br />have to be appropriated by the Common Council. Council President Nemeth asked Mr. Lantz if that wa
<br />his personal opinion, and Mr. Lantz stated that that was the opinion of the State Board of Tax
<br />Commissioners. Councilman Miller stated that there is usually an administrative proposal on
<br />government spending. He wondered about the expenditure of the money. Mr. Hojnacki stated that
<br />this involved the Department of Labor funds and would involve federal legislative checks.
<br />Councilman Miller asked if there was a line item approved by the federal government, and Mr.
<br />Hojnacki indicated that there was. Miss Virginia Guthrie, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planni
<br />Association, asked if the information and records of the program were public records, and Mr. Lantz
<br />stated that the information was available in the Controller's Office. Miss Guthrie was of the opi
<br />that the local body should be able to examine the project and review it. Mr. Hojnacki indicated
<br />that there is an advisory body of 22 persons appointed by the Mayor for that purpose. Mr. Lantz
<br />stated that the federal government does not require that federal grants be processed through the
<br />state procedure. He stated that the State Board of Accounts says this is not a part of the civil
<br />city budget and does not require appropriation by the Common Council. He indicated that these were
<br />federal guidelines. Council President Nemeth expressed concern about this. Mr. Lantz stated that,
<br />in a previous audit, all the federal programs did not require Common Council approval or State Tax
<br />Board approval. Council President Nemeth wondered if this would hold true on the manpower program,
<br />and Mr. Lantz stated that nothing had been specific; however, this has been the procedure that has
<br />been followed in the past on these programs. Councilman Szymkowiak wondered about the guidelines.
<br />Mr. Hojnacki stated that, with the new legislation that allows South Bend to participate, the pro -
<br />grams would be city programs When the planning process has been completed, the Common Council
<br />would be approached on the maintenance and operation of the programs. He stated that this was
<br />manpower special revenue sharing, and the planning grant must be used to plan for the programs.
<br />When the kinds of programs are established, it would involve the city, and the Council would have
<br />to have input into the program. Councilman Szymkowiak asked if the Council would review the
<br />budget for the project. Mr. Hojnacki stated that, at this time, he could not say definitely.
<br />Councilman Serge asked how many hardships the city had that could benefit from the program. Mr.
<br />Kelzenberg stated that the Manpower Advisory Council was responsible to research that matter. He
<br />stated that the city has 25% of the population (families) earning less than $7,000 each year. He
<br />stated that, in unemployment, the figures are rising. There is an eligible unemployed number
<br />ranging up to 2,500. Councilman Parent stated that this was a difficult task and hoped it would
<br />be successful. He stated that he had had experience in the manpower planning field and was aware
<br />of the problems involved.
<br />I (We), the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition the
<br />Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the
<br />City of South Bend as hereinafter requested, and in support of this application, the
<br />following facts are shown:
<br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at 2503 Linden Avenue, South
<br />Bend, Indiana.
<br />2. The property is owned by Builders United Enterprises, Inc. of South Bend,
<br />Indiana, and Great Horizons Development Corporation of Gary, Indiana.
<br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows:
<br />Lot #44 - Kaley Subdivision - South Bend, Indiana
<br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned from
<br />"D" Light Industrial Use and "C" Height and Area District to "B"
<br />Residential Use and "B" Height and Area District.
<br />5. It is proposed that the property
<br />the following building(s) will b
<br />dwelling units, if residential):
<br />One (1) Single- family structure
<br />will be put to the following use and
<br />e constructed (include number of
<br />y
<br />n
<br />