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11-26-73 Council Special Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
11-26-73 Council Special Meeting Minutes
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Council Mtg Minutes
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482 <br />SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 26, 1973 <br />11 11 <br />IICALL OF THE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />An Ordinance establishing a new schedule of rates <br />and charges for services rendered by the Waterworks <br />System of the City of South Bend and repealing <br />Ordinance No. 4320 -60 and Ordinance No. 4345 -60. <br />The Chief of Police or any member of the Police Force is directed to serve a copy of <br />this notice to each member of the Common Council and make due return hereon. <br />Dated: November 21, 1973 <br />s/ Odell Newburn s/ Terry S. Miller <br />s/ Walter M. Szymkowiak s/ Walter T. Kopczynski <br />s/ Frank Horvath Attest: s/ Barbara Byers <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />The within call came to hand this 21st day of November, 1973, which I served by reading <br />the same to each councilman upon the date designated. <br />s/ Joseph T. Serge <br />s/ Walter M. Szymkowiak <br />s/ Terry S. Miller <br />S/ Roger Parent <br />s/ Robert G. Taylor <br />s/ Walter T. Kopczynski <br />s/ Frank Horvath <br />s/ Odell Newburn <br />s/ Peter J. Nemeth <br />or by leaving a certified copy thereof at the last and usual place of residence of such <br />members as I was unable to find, as follows: <br />IIORDINANCE NO. 5608 -73 <br />S/ Cpl. Edward R. DeCraene <br />Member of the South Bend Police <br />Department #170 <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SCHEDULE <br />OF RATES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES RENDERED <br />BY THE WATERWORKS SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. <br />4320 -60 AND ORDINANCE NO. 4345 -60. <br />This ordinance had second reading. Council President Nemeth indicated that a public hearing on <br />the proposed ordinance had previously been held and comments from various persons were heard and <br />questions answered. He stated that, since that time, the budget as requested by the Council had <br />been submitted and passed. He requested that any remarks made be limited to how the rate increase <br />related to the budget. Mr. Paul Krueper, Manager of the Bureau of Water, made the presentation foi <br />the ordinance. He explained that, in order to meet the expenses and outlay approved, a 50% rate <br />increase was necessary. He stated that this was the first increase since 1960 and that 13% of the <br />operating revenues must be placed in the Depreciation Fund to be used for improvements to the <br />system and replacement of worn -out equipment and not for operating expenses or payment of the bond: <br />There is a serious inflation problem of 6% each year, and each year, the 6% is compounded and the <br />total outlay, in four years, would be nearly $350,000 more. With the 50% increase and payment of <br />the bond principal and interest, at the end of 1974 there would be a surplus of $107,706. In 1975, <br />there would be a surplus of $174,579, and in 1976, there would be $47,215. In 1977, the Waterworks <br />would again have a deficit. He stated that one of the reasons for this is the fact that many peop] <br />are moving to the suburbs and it is very difficult to predict a growth within the system. He <br />explained that, at the present time, there was a deficit of $274,429.18. A transfer from the <br />Sinking Fund in the amount of $130,000 and $22,015.20 from the Depreciation Fund would be necessary <br />There would then be a deficit at the end of the year of $122,423.98. With a profit realized in the <br />General Fund of $71,813 in 1974, the deficit would be decreased. He stated that all the figures he <br />had presented had been computed using the 50% rate increase. He stressed the fact that the increa: <br />was necessary to enable the system to operate for the next four years. At the end of four years, <br />the matter would again have to be considered. Mr. Krueper indicated that the working capital woul< <br />not be increased or built up if the increase was not approved. He talked briefly about the constri <br />tion of the sewage treatment plant, indicating that the Waterworks System had been neglected at <br />that time. He compared the rates of the surrounding cities with the rate of South Bend and stated <br />that all the other rates were higher. He concluded by requesting that the Council act favorably oz <br />the proposed ordinance. <br />Mr. Warren Uldin, 1821 North College, indicated that he was representing his mother who resided at <br />906 Cleveland Avenue. He stated that he had his mother's water bill with him and the amount was <br />about $18 for two months. He indicated that his mother lived on a fixed income and could not <br />afford an increase to the already too -high bill. Mr. Uldin stated that he appreciated the problem <br />the Waterworks System had; however, he wondered about the problems the retired people would have <br />with the increase. He felt that the people on fixed incomes should be given consideration. Mr. <br />Krueper asked Mr. Uldin if his mother lived alone, and Mr. Uldin stated that she and two other <br />people lived in the house. Mr. Krueper indicated that that was the reason why the bill seemed to <br />
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