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REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 24 1973 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />that had bitten someone. Mr. Gallagher indicated that, if the dog was determined to be vicious or <br />had bitten someone, the officer would have the authority to go onto the property to pick up the <br />dog; however, the officer would not be allowed to enter a home for the pickup of an animal unless <br />he had obtained a warrant to do so. Mrs. Swan expressed her feeling that the Police Department <br />should not be going into the "dog catching business ", and Mr. Gallagher stated that the proposed <br />ordinance would help to take the police out of the picture. Mrs. Swan asked about the method used <br />by the Municipal Stray Animal Commission to subdue an animal. Mr. Gallagher stated that two per- <br />sons would be employed, both persons having training in that area and one of the employees having <br />training in the use of the tranquilizer gun, which would only be used when all other methods of <br />catch fail and the dog is determined to be vicious. He talked briefly about the choker - collar <br />method. Mrs. Swan wondered if the sedative used in the tranquilizer gun had any ill effects upon <br />the animal. Mr. Gallagher stated that the drug merely put the animal to sleep for a short time. <br />He indicated that the.amount of the drug used depended upon the size of the animal, and he stated <br />that there should be no ill side affects. Mrs. Swan asked about the cost of the van, and Mr. <br />Gallagher indicated that he thought the cost was about $4,000. Mrs. Swan asked about the rest of <br />the money appropriated and stated that she thought $12,000 had been appropriated for this program. <br />Mr. Gallagher indicated that he was not aware of that amount of money being appropriated. Chairmai <br />Newburn indicated that the proper figure could be provided for Mrs. Swan's information. Miss <br />Virginia Guthrie, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, asked about the type of <br />check that would be made when an owner of an animal applied for a license. She asked if a record <br />was kept of the licensing. Mr. Gallagher indicated that the printed forms available required the <br />breed and name of the dog and the name and address of the owner. Mr. Walter Lantz, Deputy <br />Controller, indicated that this procedure was being followed and a receipt was given to each persoi <br />applying for a license. Miss Guthrie asked if the city could go beyond that in order to license <br />more dogs. Mr. Lantz stated that, if that was the case, the employees on the city payroll would <br />have to check all that information. Mrs. Connie Green, 3217 Dunham Street, asked for a definition <br />of the term "regulations" as used in the ordinance. Mr. Gallagher indicated that, in the context, <br />the regulations meant that the dog would not be released until the license was obtained and the <br />inoculations were given. Hr briefly referred to other sections of the code regulating dogs. Mrs. <br />Richard Minton, 753 Cottage Grove Avenue, asked who the people should make their complaints to <br />regarding animals running at large. Mr. Gallagher indicated that Mr. Isaiah Steed of the Sub - <br />Standard Building Department could be contacted and he would then relay this information to the <br />people in charge of the truck. He stated that the Humane Society could also be notified. Mrs. <br />Minton stated that she usually found the dogs to be running in her yard around 6:00 a.m. and after <br />4:30 p.m. She ,asked who she should contact at those times. Mr. Gallagher indicated that, unfor- <br />tunately, the city would only be operating eight hours a day because of the funds that were <br />available. He stated that the Humane Society employed three shifts around the clock, and he <br />suggested that Mrs. Minton contact the society. Mrs. Ann Wlodarski, 1869 Riverside Drive, <br />indicated that she was happy that the ordinance was being proposed. She indicated that she was in <br />favor of such an ordinance. She asked if this would be a permanent arrangement for the city, and <br />she wondered where the funds would come from when the EEA funds were no longer available to pay thi <br />salaries of the employees. Chairman Newburn indicated that he felt the obligation would then fall <br />to the city if the EEA funds were terminated. Mrs. Wlodarski asked where the money would go from <br />the people when they picked up their dogs. Councilman Szymkowiak indicated that the money receive <br />for the dog tags would go into the General Fund and the rest of the money received would go to the <br />Humane Society. Councilman Szymkowiak wondered if the people applying for the dog license were to <br />have their dogs treated for rabies, distemper, etc. before the license was issued. Mr. Gallagher <br />indicated that the license would only be issued when the owner was able to show proof that the <br />necessary shots had been given. Councilman Horvath felt that some people do not have their dogs <br />licensed because the inoculation is required first and it was sometimes expensive. Mr. Gallagher <br />indicated that that was probably true in many cases. <br />Councilman Horvath made a motion that the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, seconded by <br />Councilman Szymkowiak. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE FOR THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN <br />THE AMOUNT OF $16,524.17 FROM THE LOCAL <br />.ROAD AND STREET FUND PROJECT R & S 40 - <br />WIDENING OF IRELAND ROAD FROM MICHIGAN <br />STREET TO MIAMI ROAD AND $5,508.05 FROM <br />THE CUMULATIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND <br />TO PROJECT R & S 51 - SAMPLE STREET WIDENING <br />FROM MAYFLOWER ROAD TO GREENVIEW AVENUE. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Rollin Farrand, Director of the Department <br />of Public Works, made the presentation for the ordinance. He stated that the project had been <br />estimated to cost about $130,000 and that, after review of the preliminary plans, it had been <br />decided that the intersection of Mayflower and Sample should also be included in the project. <br />This involved curbing, widening of the intersection and signalization. It was also thought that <br />the existing intersections at cross streets within the project should be removed. With the addi- <br />tional work proposed, the estimate was raised to $197,530.65 and a low qualified bid of <br />$172,845.40 was accepted. He indicated that those were the reasons for the requested transfer, <br />and he stated that Project R & S 40 was complete and a balance was left in the fund which could bei <br />transferred to Project R & S 51. <br />Miss Virginia Guthrie, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, asked if, by the <br />transfer, more money would be added to the amount originally appropriated for the Sample Street <br />widening project, and Mr. Farrand indicated that that was the case. She asked if, with this <br />transfer, the project could be completed,-and Mr. Farrand indicated that the transfer would cover <br />all expenses of the project. Councilman Miller asked which account in the Cumulative Capital <br />Improvement Fund the amount of $5,508.05 would come from, and Mr. Farrand answered that the funds <br />would be taken from the Services Contractual Account in the line items. <br />Councilman Kopczynski made a motion that the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, seconded <br />Councilman Parent. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20, VEHICLES <br />AND TRAFFIC, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />