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REGULAR MEETING MAY 14 1973 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />the city and county tax rates for the last two years. She mentioned that the County Council had <br />helped to bring the rate down, and the South Bend rate had gone up 14 cents. She felt credit shou <br />be given where credit was due, and she mentioned that, even with revenue sharing funds, the city <br />rate had increased 14 cents. <br />Councilman Miller commented on the purchase of land for Rum Village Park and indicated that the ci <br />has money available in the C.C.I.F. for land acquisition and there are possibilities through the <br />B.O.R. funds from matching funds. He felt there might be some money available when the matching <br />funds are received back. He questioned why the Council had not received the Park Department pro - <br />posed budget for 1974 when Mrs. Mutzl had received a copy. Mr. Seitz indicated that he did not <br />know how Mrs. Mutzl had gotten a copy, and he mentioned that even his assistant did not have one, <br />and it had to be approved by the Park Board. He indicated that it was an administrative error <br />and he would see that the Council received the budgets shortly. Councilman Kopczynski indicated <br />that the way he understood the situation, all the people were not interested in the zoo. Likewise, <br />not all the people were interested in the nature center. He felt there were various interest <br />groups in South Bend that wanted money for these special projects. He mentioned the remark made <br />regarding the motorcycles, and indicated that this was their form of recreation. He felt there was <br />a question on how far the city should go in providing recreation activities to certain groups. He <br />questioned why only some parts were considered. Mr. Seitz indicated that there was only a certain <br />amount of money available and the process had to be accomplished step by step. He did mention that <br />motorcycles should not be allowed in the parks, and he agreed that perhaps this form of recreation <br />should be provided. Councilman Kopczynski proposed that a drag strip be constructed in order to <br />provide a place for the motorcyclelists to ride. Councilman Serge asked Mr. Seitz to describe the <br />proposed building in the nature center, and Mr. Seitz indicated that it would be approximately <br />5,000 square feet and would have a meeting room, exhibition room, educational center, etc. <br />Councilman Serge asked if the building would be a research center. Mr. Seitz indicated that it <br />would be expanded into a research center. He felt it was very important that the present genera- <br />tion be aware of the ecology and environment. Councilman Parent indicated that he liked the <br />present proposal of the Park Department for revenue sharing funds better than the first proposal <br />that was presented to the Council. He asked how many people would be using the nature center, <br />including school children. Mr. Seitz indicated that he did not have an estimate on that figure, <br />and Councilman Taylor indicated that he thought that between 2,000 and 3,000 school children would <br />be using Rum Village. Council President Nemeth questioned who would be paying the on -going costs. <br />He asked about a projection of the costs. Mr. Seitz indicated that once the zoo was brought <br />standard, admission could be charged and the cost could be reduced by providing better facilities. <br />Council President Nemeth asked about the upkeep. Mr. Seitz indicated that it would include a <br />fence around the area, and he estimated around $25,000 to $30,000 a year and $3,000 for electric <br />current. He indicated that there were things proposed in this year's budget that could be deleted <br />next year and cut down on the total cost. Councilman Kopczynski indicated that the nature center <br />would serve as education for the school children, and he asked why the schools couldn't share some <br />of the responsibility. Mr. Seitz indicated that perhaps there had been too much emphasis placed <br />on the word "educational" as far as the nature center was concerned. Councilman Kopczynski asked <br />about other activities taking place in the building. Mr. Seitz indicated that there might even be <br />a place for an archery class because the building would have multi -uses. <br />Councilman Szymkowiak made a motion that the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, seconded by <br />Councilman Parent. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE CREATING A NEW ACCOUNT FAl -370 <br />"OTHER SUPPLIES" WITHIN THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE <br />GRANT PROGRAM FAl "MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY ", AND <br />TRANSFERRING $10,000.00 FROM ACCOUNT FA1 -440 <br />"SALT", BOTH ACCOUNTS BEING WITHIN THE FEDERAL <br />ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FA1 "MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY" <br />OF THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT FUND OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Donald Decker, Street Commissioner, made <br />the presentation for the ordinance. He explained that the new account was being established to <br />keep consumed comodities in their proper line account, and that in the past, supplies have been <br />expended from other major accounts when they have been expended from the supplies category. He <br />indicated that the transfer of $10,000 would represent a minimum requirement for necessary <br />supplies for the remainder of 1973 and would not be needed in the salt account because of the mild <br />winter experienced this year. Council President Nemeth asked if the $10,000 would be sufficient <br />for the rest of the year, and Mr. Decker expressed hope that it would be. <br />Councilman Kopczynski made a motion that the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, seconded by <br />Councilman Taylor. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF <br />A LEASE AND TRUST INDENTURE AND ECONOMIC <br />DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS AND THE FORM AND <br />TERMS OF THE LEASE AND TRUST INDENTURE AND <br />BONDS AND THE ISSUANCE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />REVENUE BONDS PERTAINING TO AUTOMATIC MOLDED <br />PLASTICS, INC. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Kenneth Fedder, Attorney for the Economic <br />Development Commission, made the presentation for the ordinance. He explained that the firm would <br />be moving into the Airport Industrial Park - Phase III. He indicated that Automatic Molded was an <br />existing concern in the community and would construct a new building with new equipment. He <br />indicated that the tax base and job opportunities would increase. He concluded by,indicating that <br />Mr. Warren McGill was present to answer any questions the Council or citizens might have. Council <br />man Kopczynski indicated that he hoped the corporation was financially sound. He thought there ha <br />been a couple firms in the past that had received the bonds and it has not turned out to be very <br />favorable. Mr. McGill indicated that the corporation was "financially sound and he indicated that <br />an institution in the city was willing to purchase the bonds knowing they will not be picked up by <br />