<br />WHEREAS, certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption of the existing
<br />annual budget so that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriated in
<br />the annual budget for the various functions of city government to meet such extraordinary
<br />conditions; and
<br />WHEREAS, additional funds are needed in Account M -13 "Examinations" of the Building Department
<br />to assure that department's ability to properly perform its functions; and
<br />WHEREAS, a surplus exists in Account M -11 "Salaries" of the Building Department where such surplu
<br />is not presently needed;
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana:
<br />SECTION 1. That the sum of $370.00 be transferred from Account M -11 "Salaries" to Account M -13
<br />"Examinations ", both accounts being within the Building Department of the General Fund of the
<br />City of South Bend, Indiana.
<br />SECTION II. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by
<br />the Common Council and its approval by the Mayor.
<br />/s/ Roger 0. Parent
<br />Member of the Common Council
<br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Mr. Forrest West, Building Commissione
<br />explained that when the budget was approved it was not anticipated that there would be the number
<br />of applications for plumbing examinations as have been received. There is a need for $480 of
<br />which they have $110 in the Examinations account. They are requesting the transfer of the
<br />additional $370 from the Salaries Account where there is a surplus. The State of Indiana has
<br />passed legislation requiring that all plumbers be licensed on the state level beginning in 1973.
<br />There are a number of local applicants who would like to become licensed in the City of South
<br />Bend before that time. They would then come under the "Grandfathers clause" of the state law
<br />and would not have to take the state examination. Mr. West explained that the applicants pay the
<br />examination fee but it goes into the General Fund. Councilman Miller asked why some fund
<br />transfers come to the Council in the form of resolutions and others in the form of ordinances.
<br />City Attorney Charles A. Sweeney, Jr. explained that you can transfer money by resolution when
<br />the transfer is being made between two minor items in the same classification, in this case
<br />"Services Personal ". When a transfer is being made from one classification to another, an
<br />ordinance is required. Councilman Parent moved for adoption of the resolution, seconded by
<br />Councilman Kopczynski. The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Councilmen
<br />Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Parent, Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Newburn and Nemeth).
<br />RESOLUTION NO. 343 -72
<br />SEE RESOLUTION NO. 347 -73
<br />WHEREAS, Wells Electronics, Inc. of South Bend has submitted its _intention-to the Economic...
<br />Development Commission of South Bend; -to construct a new °buildin. located -at 1801 South Main
<br />Street, within the City of South Bend, Indiana,
<br />WHEREAS, the Economic Development Commission, pursuant to the statute, has found by written
<br />resolution that there exists insufficient employment opportunities and that the economic welfare
<br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana would be benefited and the purpose of the statute would be
<br />accomplished by the acquisition and leasing of the above described property to Wells Electronics
<br />Inc, of South Bend, Indiana, and
<br />WHEREAS, Wells Electronics, Inc. of South Bend has submitted a statement of public service to the
<br />above Economic Development Commission of the City of South Bend and said Commission has forwarded
<br />this statement of public service with their approval and comments to the South Bend School Corpor-
<br />ation, a copy of which is attached, and
<br />WHEREAS, the affirmative response and analysis of the South Bend School Corporation has been
<br />received as presented to the Clerk of the City of SouthBend, and attached, and
<br />WHEREAS, the statement of public service by Wells Electronics, Inc., of South Bend and the
<br />Economic Development Commission of the City of South Bend have been submitted for approval and
<br />comments to the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County and the affirmative action and comments
<br />of the Area Plan Commission have been received by the Clerk of the City of South Bend, as attached
<br />and
<br />WHEREAS, the requirements of the application as
<br />Act of 1965 of the State of Indiana" as amended
<br />a projection of the number of jobs created, the
<br />created and the approximation of the cost of th,
<br />utilities and fire and police facilities of the
<br />school corporation and the Area Plan Commission
<br />facility is to be built, and
<br />described in the "Municipal Economic Development
<br />have therefore been met to this point, including
<br />estimated payroll created, the estimated payroll
<br />B land and construction, and the impact on
<br />City of South Bend with the approvals of the
<br />have jurisdiction of the area in which the propo
<br />WHEREAS, now the Wells Electronics, Inc., of South Bend, seeks approximately $180,000.00 from an
<br />issue of revenue bonds of the Economic Development Commission of the City of South Bend to be
<br />signed by the Mayor and by its City Clerk and further desires to enter into a lease of not more
<br />than 20 years duration to be known as a net net net lease sufficient to pay the principal and
<br />interest of these bonds and obtain title at the end of the lease, and
<br />WHEREAS, by virtue of the net net net lease, the Wells Electronics, Inc., of South Bend indicated
<br />its intention to pay all expenses of the operation, maintenance, insurance, property taxes,
<br />whatever of the facility.
<br />