<br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend met in special session on
<br />Monday, November 6, 1972 at 7 :38 p.m.. in the Council Chambers on the 4th Floor of the County -
<br />City Building. Council President Peter J. Nemeth called the meeting to order and the Pledge of
<br />Allegiance to the flag was given.
<br />City Clerk Irene K. Gammon read the call for the special meeting as follows:
<br />You are hereby notified that there will be a special meeting of the Common Council of the
<br />City of South Bend, Indiana on the 6th day of November, 1972 at seven - thirty o'clock p.m.,
<br />local time in the Council Chambers of the County -City Building, for the purpose of:
<br />Citizen Discussion on Revenue Sharing
<br />The Chief of Police or any member of the Police Force is directed to serve a copy of this
<br />notice to each member of the Common Council and make due return hereon.
<br />Dated: October 31, 1972
<br />/s/ Jerry J. Miller /s/ Odell Newburn
<br />Mayor /s/ Roger 0. Parent
<br />/s/ Peter J. Nemeth
<br />/s/ Walter M. Szymkowiak
<br />/s/ Walter T. Kopczynski
<br />/s/ Joseph T. Serge
<br />/s/ Terry S. Miller
<br />ATTEST: /s/ Robert G. Taylor
<br />/s/ Frank Horvath
<br />/s/ Irene K. Gammon
<br />City Clerk
<br />If
<br />ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Sergeā Szymkowiak, Miller, Parent, Taylor, Kopczynski,
<br />Horvath, Newburn and Nemeth.
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />Council President Peter J. Nemeth expressed the thanks of the Council to the citizens for being
<br />present tonight and taking an active interest in their government. He asked that anyone wishing
<br />to speak should come forward and give his name and address and that speakers restrict themselves
<br />to a reasonable time so that everyone would have an opportunity to be heard.
<br />Mr. John Derksen, President of the St. Joseph County Drainage Board, urged the Council to con-
<br />sider using some of the revenue sharing money for drainage projects, expecially in the Bowman
<br />Creek and Phillips Ditch areas It will require two retention basins to solve the serious
<br />problems faced by the city and suburban area. One basin will cost from $500,000 to $600,000.
<br />Mr. Derksen said that if the city would construct one retention basin, perhaps the county could
<br />construct the other one.
<br />Mrs, Louvenia Cain, of the Model Neighborhood Planning Association Board, asked for an explana-
<br />tion of revenue sharing and where the money could be spent. Council President Peter J. Nemeth
<br />explained that revenue sharing is money returned to local government for priority expenditures,
<br />which can be ordinary and necessary capital expenditures or ordinary and necessary maintenance
<br />expenditures for a variety of services, such as police, fire, traffic, drainage, streets, health
<br />and recreational, and social services for the poor and aged. Mrs. Cain said she hoped the funds
<br />would be used for the social and physical problems of our city.
<br />Mr. Lester Fox, of REAL Services, said he hoped the Council would consider using funds for ex-
<br />tending services to older adults. He said they believe that federal funds -should be used to
<br />support special programs in the field of aging.
<br />Mr. Burnett Bauer, President of the Western Avenue Business Men's Council, said their organiza-
<br />tion feels three projects in their area should be considered. One is a grade separation at the
<br />railroad crossing on North Sheridan Street to bring together the north and south areas of the
<br />city. The second is the widening of Western Avenue, which has been talked about for many years.
<br />Third, the lighting on Western Avenue should be improved to make it a better place to live and
<br />do business. Sidewalks on Western Avenue are also in need of repair.
<br />Mrs. Jane Cobb, of the Y.W.C.A, said they want to increase their services to school -age pregnant
<br />girls and need to acquire land and a building to do this. The present building is being used
<br />beyond capacity. They would like the Council to consider using revenue sharing funds for this
<br />project, which would involve $33,000 for acquiring land and $5,000 for remodeling and equipment.
<br />Mr. Roland Kelly, Chairman of the Public Information Subcommittee of the Mayor's Civic Center
<br />Committee, read a statement asking that the Council consider using a substantial amount of
<br />revenue sharing funds for the Civic Center project.
<br />Mr. Carl Brandt, Sr., 20272 Baughman Court, asked that the Council consider revenue sharing funds
<br />for the drainage problems in the Baughman Court area in Center Township. There are 21 property
<br />owners affected by the problem of water backing up.
<br />Miss Virginia Guthrie, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, said that the
<br />first consideration of using revenue sharing funds must be for property tax reduction. The
<br />Association is recommending that the Council eliminate the 124, property tax levy on the 1973 tax
<br />rate for the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund. They recommend that revenue sharing funds be used to
<br />buy the motor and radio equipment for the Police, Fire and Sanitation Departments and the motor
<br />and other equipment for the Park Department, thus reducing the property tax rate. The Associa-
<br />tion is also suggesting that the Council use revenue sharing funds to help the citizens of the
<br />Southeast area of the city, to set up a Police Academy, to relocate Fire Station #4 from the
<br />Walnut and Thomas Street location, and to set up a Fire Training Building which has been
<br />recommended for a number of years.
<br />