<br />The attached ordinance on trash and garbage removal was drafted by the Independent
<br />Haulers, the Fair Tax Association and other interested parties.
<br />The ordinance is a result of my telling the above groups that we welcome construc-
<br />tive criticism, but such criticism should be in writing and corrective steps set
<br />down to help the city officials administer the cities' needs to the wishes of the
<br />people, provided that their ideas can work out satisfactorily for the entire city.
<br />It is interesting to note that much of the proposed ordinance is similar to the
<br />one already on the agenda. There are some interesting features that should be
<br />strongly considered in implementing trash and garbage removal in the city.
<br />In closing, I urge the administration and the Council to give this ordinance your
<br />consideration, thus giving the trash haulers and other parties their opportunity
<br />to contribute to this program.
<br />Sincerely,
<br />Walter T. Kopczynski
<br />Councilman, Sixth District
<br />Councilman Kopczynski then offered two amendments to the ordinance. In Section 16 -6, Add
<br />Paragraph (f) as follows: "It shall be a misdemeanor for any owner, occupant, lessee, tenant or
<br />agent of same, to refuse to pay any independent trash hauler for services that said owner,
<br />occupant, tenant, lessee or their agent has hired or contracted to collect and dispose of garbage,
<br />trash, or any type of refuse, after having been presented with a bill for said services. Such
<br />misdemeanor costs would result in a fine not less than five (5/) per cent of the bill in question
<br />and not more than ten (10) per cent of the bill in question in addition to the original amount
<br />of theclaim along with court costs and attorney fees." Section 16 -8 (c), add a sentence: "All
<br />containers must be elevated to a minimum of six inches off the ground to allow for air circulation
<br />and to prevent freezing of containers to the ground ". Councilman Serge seconded the amendments.
<br />It was the decision of the Council to divide the question and vote on each amendment separately.
<br />Councilman Miller said that it was regressive to require legal fees and attorney's fees to fight
<br />for payment and that this was not worth classifying as a misdemeanor. Councilman Horvath asked
<br />how you would enforce such a provision. City Attorney Charles Sweeney, Jr. said that, through
<br />Councilman Kopczynski's proposed amendment, the Council would be taking steps to, in effect,
<br />enforce a private contract between a hauler and a user. He said that he would have to research
<br />the matter but it appears to be illegal. He said he did not think the Council has the right to
<br />put itself into a private dispute over a breach of contract and any such action would be subject
<br />to litigation. Mr. Sweeney said he thought it was highly improper for the Council to get itself
<br />into this kind of a bind. He said the Council could direct him to research this matter and if
<br />the opinion was favorable, the Council could amend the ordinance at that time. Councilman
<br />Kopczynski said that, in view of what had been brought out here, he would withdraw the amendment
<br />to Section 16 -6 (f) and ask the Attorney to research this matter and bring it up at some future
<br />time. Councilman Parent said that he was opposed to the amendment to Section 16 -8. He said it
<br />was not necessary and would just be an additional cost to elevate trash cans. Councilman Horvath
<br />said that he thought this could be dangerous, because people might not provide a proper platform
<br />and a trash can could fall causing injury. Councilman Parent said that those citizens who do not
<br />have alleys and who must bring their trash to the curb could not provide any kind of an elevated
<br />platform. Councilman Parent then moved to close debate on the amendment, seconded by Councilman
<br />Horvath. Motion carried. The chair called for a vote on the amendment and the motion failed by
<br />a voice vote, Councilman Nemeth abstaining. Councilman Taylor said that the Council is acting
<br />in good faith in trying to get a good garbage and trash pick -up service for the City of South
<br />Bend. Not everyone will want to use the city pick -up. We-are talking about 40,000 homes and
<br />each service, the city and the private haulers, will have their share of the customers. Council-
<br />man Taylor then said he would move to amend the ordinance in Section 16 -6, Section (c) (1) by
<br />changing the fee to $2.50 a month. He said the primary objection to the amendment would be that
<br />it is an underhanded way of attempting to put the private trash haulers out of business. He said
<br />he rejected that argument on the basis of talks with the people in his district, many of whom
<br />want to continue with their private haulers. He said it is a fallacy to say that the city
<br />service, which is not primarily interested in profit but in providing a service to people at a
<br />low cost, has to charge the same amount of money as people who are primarily interested in the
<br />profit motive. Councilman Miller seconded the motion to amend. Councilman Nemeth said that
<br />Mayor Miller was present and would like to speak to the Council. Councilman Serge made a motion
<br />that the Council allow the Mayor to speak during their portion of the public hearing, seconded
<br />by Councilman Szymkowiak. The motion carried. Mayor Miller said that the betterment of the com-
<br />munity and the cleaning up of the community were the primary objectives of the ordinance. He
<br />said that it is true they have no idea how many customers the city will have but the fees can be
<br />amended when they know. He said the city is aware that a lot of people have not had proper trash
<br />service and that there will be a heavy burden in the next six or seven months until the program
<br />is under control. He said the questions raised tonight have been very valid questions but the
<br />city is going to attach the serious problem of debris, rats, litter, etc. in our community.
<br />Councilman Kopczynski called the question on the motion to amend. The motion failed by a voice
<br />vote, Councilman Nemeth abstaining. Councilman Parent moved to amend Section 16 -6 (c) (2) as
<br />follows: "whose occupants have provided proof of age 65 or over will be charged $1.50 ". Council-
<br />man Kopczynski seconded the amendment. Councilman Nemeth moved to amend the amendment to read
<br />"where the head of the household has submitted to the Board of Public Works proof of age 65 or
<br />over, the fee shall be $1.50 a month. Councilman Szymkowiak seconded the motion to amend the
<br />proposed amendment. The motion carried by a voice vote, Councilman Nemeth abstaining. The
<br />question was called on the motion to amend and the motion carried, Councilman Nemeth abstaining.
<br />Councilman Miller moved that the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, as amended. Council-
<br />man Taylor seconded the motion. Councilman Parent said that the ordinance leaves a few things
<br />to be desired. It has some weaknesses since it does not eliminate duplication of routes or the
<br />eyesore of trash on the curbs, and if the city fee does go down, the private haulers may not be
<br />able to compete. However, the ordinance does combine garbage and trash pick up at a fairly low
<br />cost and it provides licensing procedures and enforcement. Councilman Parent said that he felt
<br />this explanation was necessary because he voted against a similar ordinance but he has now
<br />changed his mind. The question was called and the motion carried, Councilman Nemeth abstaining.
<br />