<br />levy of $5.64, llfi higher than last year's proposal. Last year's budget included 80 positions
<br />funded by E.E.A. Mayor Miller feels there is too much dependency on federal programs and that the
<br />city must begin to stand alone. Because of a decision by Governor Whitcomb, the Street Department
<br />will not get the state gasoline tax money but must now rely on the property tax. The tax in-
<br />crease this year reflects a 33/ increase in salaries and wages. This is not a large or unnecessar,
<br />increase. Mr. Barcome said that they realize the property tax is a killer tax and the Mayor is
<br />working with the Association of Cities and Towns for state and federal legislation to equalize
<br />the tax burden. He then said the various Department heads were all here to answer questions.
<br />OFFICE OF MAYOR - Mr. Nemeth said the Council is proposing that A213 Traveling Expense be cut to
<br />$1000. Miss Virginia Guthrie, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, said that
<br />all budgets are up in the entire county and that:the property tax payer is bearing the brunt of
<br />this. The South Bend Civil City budget is up $1,753,000 and the rate is up .964. This must be
<br />reduced. Homeowners, businessmen and industry must be encouraged to stay in South Bend. She
<br />said'she was disappointed that the Mayor was not here for the public hearing on the budget he
<br />proposed. Mrs. Ann Wlodarski, Vice President of the Fair Tax Association, said she wished to
<br />thank the Council publicly for the opportunity to review the proposed budgets with them. She also
<br />gave special recognition to Marchmont Kovas of the South Bend Tribune for his service to taxpaying
<br />citizens in the series of articles he wrote presenting facts and figures about the various depart-
<br />ment budget proposals. She said the Fair Tax Association is opposed to some large salary in-
<br />creases in the number of city jobs. She suggested that the operations of the Water Works should
<br />be screened and an accounting given. She said that promotional items and travel should be deleted
<br />from the budget and questioned the amounts budgeted for rents. Mrs. Pat Forhan, representative of
<br />the Women's Political Caucus, said she is still concerned about the discrimination in the Salary
<br />Ordinance which was passed. Minimum and maximum salaries were set for secretaries, stenographers,
<br />clerks and accounting clerks. She said this results in some women city employees receiving, in
<br />some cases, a lower salary rather than a raise for 1973. Mrs. Ozman Spurlock, said that this
<br />situation had been called to the attention of her office and may be a violation of the 1964 Civil
<br />Rights Act which allows no discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed or sex. She said
<br />this is a possible violation of Act 7 and an investigation of all elements may be necessary. She
<br />gave the Council copies of the Act and of two publications from her office and said she would be
<br />happy to discuss this matter with members of the Council.
<br />OFFICE OF CONTROLLER - Mr. Nemeth said the Council is proposing the following changes: B212
<br />Postage - $9,000; B213 Traveling Expense - $400; B23 Instruction - $500; B363 Other Office
<br />Supplies - $10,000; B52 Rents - $15,300; B53 Refunds, Awards and Indemnities - $15,000; B725
<br />Office Equipment - $1,500. Mrs. Wlodarski suggested that the position of Chief Deputy Controller
<br />be eliminated, that the positions of Director of Personnel and Purchasing and Buyer be combined,
<br />and that the position of Printing Technician be eliminated. Miss Guthrie asked why Group Insuranc
<br />was up so much. Mr. Charles Watkins, Deputy City Controller, said this was because of the increas
<br />in the city's share of the group insurance premium per month. Mr. Charles A. Sweeney, Jr., City
<br />Attorney, asked if Account B53, Refunds, Awards and Indemnities was cut to $15,000 on the projec-
<br />tion of double what has been expended so far this year. He asked that a little bit offat be left
<br />in this account because of the litigation the city is involved in. He recommended $17,500 to
<br />$20,000. Miss Guthrie said that the Attorney has an amount for that purpose in his budget. Mr.
<br />Sweeney said that it was his understanding that the amount in the attorney's budget will be taken
<br />out. Mr. Barcome questioned the cut in the postage account and said there is not enough in the
<br />budget to meet the postage needs for next year. They are already running close to $9500 for this
<br />year.
<br />Allowance. Mrs. Wlodax
<br />light of EEA employees.
<br />the salary increase is
<br />I lAccounting Clerk III s
<br />Clerk II at $5980.
<br />K - Mr. Nemeth said the Council proposes deleting C215 - Transportation
<br />ski said that salaries in the Clerk's office should be reviewed in the
<br />Miss Guthrie questioned the position of Chief Deputy City Clerk and said
<br />very high. Councilmen Serge and Szymkowiak spoke in defense of the salarie
<br />- Mr. Nemeth said that two changes should be made in classifications.
<br />ld be Clerk III at $5300 and Accounting Clerk IV should be Accounting
<br />OFFICE OF COMMON COUNCIL - Miss Guthrie questioned the need for a Deputy Attorney when there are
<br />three Deputy City Attorneys. Mr. Paul Bognar, 807 W. Washington, also questioned the need for-_.a
<br />Temporary Attorney in the Common Council budget. Councilman Nemeth said that the state legis-
<br />lature authorizes Councils to provide for their own attorneys. He said that a man can serve only
<br />one master. The City Attorney is hired by the Mayor and when there is a conflict about an ordin-
<br />ance, it would be, difficult for the attorney to advise both the Mayor and the Council. An
<br />attorney hired by the Council would advise them on items of law pertaining to Council business and
<br />the Council would then vote on them. Mrs. Janet Allen, 125 W. Marion Street, and Mr. Robert
<br />Laven, 1517 Hoover Avenue, spoke against the Traveling Expense and Car Allowance items in the
<br />budget.
<br />FFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - Mr. Nemeth said the Council proposes amending B -53, Refunds, Awards and
<br />ndemnities to $1200. Mrs. Wlodarski questioned the change in classification to Secretary IV in
<br />his budget. Councilman Miller said that three positions in the budget were changed to Secretary
<br />V. in the Engineer's, Attorney's and Controller's offices, because these three jobs involve more
<br />esponsibility. Mrs. Conchita Washington, 749 S. Sheridan Street, questioned the G213 Travel
<br />xpense item and asked what it was for. Mr. Sweeney explained that he is appointed by the Mayor
<br />o attend legislative conferences in the State of Indiana and is invited to regional and national
<br />onferences, such as NIMLO. A Deputy City Attorney was sent to Chicago for three days to attend
<br />he recent South Shore hearings.
<br />FILE OF BOARD OF WORKS - Mr. Nemeth said the Council is proposing cutting H214, Telephone and
<br />legraph to $40,000, H221, Electric Current to $450,000, H362, Stationery and Printing to 0,
<br />63, Other Office Supplies to 0, H72, Equipment to $500. Mrs. Freda G. Noble, Clerk of the Board,
<br />plained to the Council that H362 is for bid forms from the State of Indiana which are not
<br />inted locally and that H363 is for supplies for the Copy Machine which is used daily by the
<br />and of', =Works and the Engineering Department. She said if no supplies are purchased for it, an
<br />ensive piece of office machinery will be left useless. Miss Guth-r e said she felt that the
<br />ount for Telephone and Telegraph was too high. Mr. Laven questioned the amount for Electric
<br />rrent. Mrs. Noble said that the I & M is slow in billing for new street lights but that the
<br />ney will all be expended. Councilman Miller asked if the city is not just about caught up with
<br />e need for street lights. Mr. William Richardson, City Engineer, said that it is a never
<br />ding project. Lighting must be provided for the Northeast Code Enforcement Project, the south
<br />